April 9, 2010

Treasures from the threads - Number Thirty-nine.

I believe that in years to come historians will mark this period in
our history as the great awakening.

The people of this land have begun to see the truth shining through
the fog of lies and spin. They have felt the sunshine of honesty and
integrity on their backs driving away the colds mists of imposed lies
and deceit from their political servants at Westminster and beyond.
This honesty and truth is not coming from politicians but is rising
within their own hearts again after years and years of "trusting"
those who told them they where their political masters: Those perverse
con men and women men who told them they were smarter than the
ordinary plebs and who then, with treason and disdain, ruined our
land. The people are waking up, not only to the games the politicians
play, but those played by broadcasters and press hacks.

It does not matter who wins this election because this election will
the last of the sham choices the people of this land will tolerate.
The three party system with its two big hitters claiming the right to
rule is dying and it is dying because it has failed. It has failed
because it breeds supreme arrogance in those who are a part of it. The
belief that they can do anything, speak any lie, twist any truth,
ignore any voter, dismiss any concern that does not interest them,
feather any bed they sleep on, commit any evil they wish and still be
voted in next time because the stupid media will manipulate the people
into voting for them again.

The people have looked closely at this shambolic mess we laughingly
call democracy and have seen the hidden hands of the Murdoch's pulling
strings. The BBC has, with the same arrogance of their socialist
masters in Westminster, over played their hand and have been exposed
as Pravda Lite and in the process began to lose a reputation world
wide for speaking the truth. The endless parade of simpleton left wing
attack dogs on our TV screens, masquerading as "alternative" comedians
and running everything decent into the floor with mocking voices has
begun to wear very thin. The days of the "celebrity" Chav are,
thankfully, nearly over.

It is this non stop drip, dripping of sick, perverse, nasty and
manipulative Marxist psycho-politics that has woken the people up to
what they have been missing in their own daily lives -- Simple decency
and truth. Once the truth appears, however dimly on the horizon of the
mind -- like the first rays of the Summer sun burning off the cloying
fog of Winter -- a new joy and confidence rises. You begin to smile
again. Long sunny days are ahead and a spring bounces into your steps.
Young and old alike can feel the warmth of that truth and contrast it
with the cold dead wind of lies the spin merchants bring with every
calculated word they utter.

This may well be the last time the electorate have to put up with the
televisual bull that has ruined and blighted us for so long. As the
people of the land realise the power lies with them and not the
"professional" spinners of either Westminster or Fleet Street (as the
collective media were once known) they will begin to reject what the
newspapers try to make them believe. They will turn away from likes of
Dimbleby Jon Snow and Krishnan Guru-Murthy and other purveyors of
propaganda on TV and radio. Celebrity half wits like Bono and Lily
Allen will be no longer be enough to make us think like good little
Marxists and do as they tell us. Soap operas filled with lefty
political messages and neutered PC ridden halflings selling yet
another guilt trip designed under the Frankfurt School political
master plan of personal and social destruction, will fall on deaf
ears. The whole pseudo-political circus tent will be burnt down and
the country will be free think for themselves again. The Commons will
have common folk in it; but wiser, smarter, more alert common folk
than ever before because, for the first time in a long time, they will
be awake once more.

The great sleep of the creepy lying wizards spinning their nasty
spells is nearly over. The future is bright and the future is ours, if
we will reach out and embrace it.

There may be bloodshed ahead (God forbid) but that depends on how hard
and desperately the sickos cling to power. However this revolution of
the mind and heart goes, one thing is certain-, the politicians and
the media are GOING to change. Whether they do so voluntarily or by
force, that change is coming and the corrupt, both here and in the EU
are going to be made to go away. If the truth takes flame here in
Britain there is a chance it will spread abroad and Britain can lead
the way again.

The flame of truth is rising and that is what the liars fear the most.
So they should and so they must! The sleeping giant is stirring and he
is called, the British people. Britain is waking and Cameron, Blair,
Clegg and Brown may be the last high priests of bull we ever have to
listen to again.

I truly hope so. Today, my land that I love lies bleeding under the
boot of lies. Tomorrow -- if we, the people, will embrace the truth --
that boot will be gone and decent values will rule once more to make
our land well and restore it and its people to greatness.

From Telegraph Blog. written by "My Land Lies Bleeding Under A Boot Of Lies".
on April 08, 2010
at 10:23 AM


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