May 5, 2010

Anatomy of a Murderer

Just so hard to imagine. The alliances that women make. As though they are completely disinterested in the outcomes. It does represent a huge mystery, why some women seem irresistibly attracted to 'bad' men. Bad in the sense of being psychopathically inclined in the extreme. Men incarcerated for serious crimes, not merely burglarizing or civic offences, but civil offences, crimes against the physical beings, of others of a truly dreadful nature.

Women who conceive an attraction to men whose pursuits clearly mark them as society's undesirables, the underbelly of society, the rejects, the violent predators. Who 'meet' these men through correspondence, attracted to the reputation they have garnered through news reportage of their crimes. And who form close emotional bonds with the men, considering themselves to be suitable partners for violent criminals.

Hard, actually, to imagine any woman willingly allying herself with a man who is viciously controlling, someone with a narcissistic personality, with power and control issues, someone who is overtly hostile, arrogant, with a continually-entitled demeanor. Which is precisely the description of Colin Thatcher of wife-murdering infamy - by the parole board before it granted him release.

He served 22 years in prison for the crime of violently murdering his wife, the mother of his three children. He murdered her, atrociously, because he was a violently controlling man, and took great displeasure in her attempts at trying to free herself from bondage to him. He deemed that she should die as just punishment for her unacceptable denial of himself as her warden.

And he attempted to murder her until he finally succeeded, horrifically. He never did anything but deny he murdered his wife, or had anything to do at a remove, with her death. The jury that sat in judgement did not agree, given the evidence presented. JoAnn Wilson was meant to die for her intransigent independence, and he was the instrument of her death.

The true puzzle in all of this was that despite the evidence that truly appeared incontrovertible, her children sided with their father, refusing to believe that he had anything to do with her death, and maintaining a strong familial relationship and affection for their father. And now, they have a step-mother.

A woman who obviously is in full knowledge of the minute details surrounding the beating, bludgeoning and shooting of her predecessor. And who, obviously either does not concern herself about these details, or more likely, believes what her new husband has assured her to be the truth, that he is innocent of all charges.

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