May 13, 2010

Canada's Christian Right

Scary isn't it? Just saying that: Canada's Christian Right. Bigoted, moralistic fundamentalists. And they have this burning detestation for the relaxed tone of most of Canadian society. Who rarely attend church. Whose religious devotion, if indeed they have any, is so casual, it might as well not be recognized.

These are not people with ethical challenges they have no idea how to manage. They manage so well that they are covertly placing themselves into positions of power within government.

Our government, in fact, has been infiltrated to the very highest level. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for example, evil personified, his sinister plans to eventually unleash upon the country a platform so dire that there will be nowhere to turn for relief from the dogmatic religious fundamentalism that will make of us a community of God-fearing zombies.

With a majority government in mind, the Prime Minister will alter our laws, even the Constitution, and make this country into a theocracy, humble unto God Almighty. This is not scare-mongering. This represents reality. And this is our scarred future.

Cry the beloved country.

I know this. I know this and more because of a newly-published book reveals it to be the truth. And in interviews on public radio and published in various news outlets, the author, Marci McDonald, minces no words. Hers is a dire message, but one that must be delivered. To alert Canadians to our horrible future. What we are now, a free, liberal Democracy will be history.

American-style evangelism has invaded Canada. Laid-back Canada is now emulating one of the most religiously-devout countries of the world, the United States of America. We are slowly being overwhelmed, as the presence of fanatical evangelism is growing in strength, invading our airspace despite the best efforts of the CRTC. Even the CBC is anxious to alert us to this fact.

The Christian right is on the winning edge, and they will prevail in their anti-abortion, anti-same-sex marriage, anti-insipid Christianity campaign. Once-a-year Christians should by now be quailing under the withering disapproval of their orthodox brethren. Secularists, humanists, agnostics and atheists can expect to be rounded up and imprisoned, where they belong.

And here is the real reason why there has been a frantic imperative from this government to build new prisons.

Conservative Christian philanthropists are buying their way into power. Rigidly evangelical youth groups are on the march, cheering for chastity and obedience to the Word of the Lord. The alumni of the Christian Right have inveigled their way into positions of responsible and respectable engagement, and they are, even as we speak, undermining the Canada that we know and love.

Top positions in the public service, within the offices of Members of Parliament, above all the Prime Minister's Office have been infiltrated by this menace to Canada's future. The 'gateways of influence' have been irreparably breached. The mainstream media, once dedicated to ensuring that Canadians receive balanced reportage, are now slowly and inevitably being taken over by right-wing journalists.

The precision in the organization of these fearsome groups that threaten Canada is awe-inspiring and frightening beyond belief. And we must believe. University campuses across this great land have seen the clashes of Titans, as American anti-abortion lobbyists are battling for their right to display gory photographs of 'dead babies', while staunch supporters of 'right to choose' are losing the battles.

Stephen Harper has stealthily, successfully, quietly and with sinister intent, hollowed out our traditional values, replacing them with those of evangelical Christianity. This country will not, repeat not, fund abortions beyond our borders, while delivering emergency assistance to women and children in under-developed countries of the world.

He has turned back the clock on feminism; the Status of Women Canada has been bereft of funding. The Court Challenges Program is no longer extant. Toronto's glorious Gay Pride Parade has been de-funded. There have been inexplicable cutbacks to scholarly granting bodies, silencing environmental critics in academia and science.

The Rights and Democracy organization has been dealt a dreadful blow to its agenda, no longer able to fund the cause of the Palestinians because of a shameful coup to its board, directed by the Prime Minister's Office. A shift in Canada's proud moral stance on the international stage has been occasioned by the Conservative government recognizing Israel's right to exist.

A truly intolerable situation has arisen where Canada is no longer recognized as an even-handed power broker on the world stage. Canada, therefore, does not deserve its place as a member of the revolving United Nations Security Council. Nor, come to think of it, a proud place alongside those staunch defenders of human rights on the UN Human Rights Security Council.

The Prime Minister's close relationship with the United States bodes ill for Canada. As does its opening up to India and to China, promoting new trade agreements, because this government has lost its moral compass. Ministerial trade missions have been launched from Canada to China, harming our ethical standing and self-respect. (Oh dear, was that PM Jean Chretien?)

CIDA is being forced to end its annual grants to overseas programs operated by International Planned Parenthood Federation. Stephen Harper has a diabolical plan to engage the G8 in providing the humanitarian aid aimed directly at third-world maternal and child care that the Federation has long been involved with.

Much of which explains why Stephen Harper's Conservative supporters keep dunning him.

The Canada Family Action Coalition is gaining strength and credibility in the current atmosphere of "Go with God" and "Godspeed". The end is nigh, for Stephen Harper has been unmuzzling his evangelical Christians MPs, permitting them to reveal themselves for what they truly represent. They have taken to introducing society-deleterious public member's bills. They're becoming frighteningly bold.

Faith-based intolerance is growing, and threatening the fibre and fabric of Canadian society. In this growing new world of Christian Right and righteous intolerance, the fate of non-believers is in the balance. Those deemed to be in violation of biblical law, like adulterers and homosexuals can anticipate dim, darkly bleak days ahead. Incarceration and perhaps worse, awaits them.

This version of a new Canada will brook no dissent while key democratic institutions are spitefully dismantled. These new Christian nationalists have written their agenda in the blood of our nation. God has spoken, and He has spoken through his fervent believers, intent on spreading His Word, and doing His mission. That mission: God's dominion on Earth.

If you don't believe any of the above, go ahead and read The Armageddon Factor, Copyright 2010, Marci McDonald. Published by Random House Canada, a division of Random House Canada Limited.

If you haven't the time, may I venture a few words to the wise...?

This self-righteous tract rife with indignation, bristling with paranoia and specious speculations having no basis in reality is a hate-filled, splenetic screed. Read it, if you will, for its entertainment value, at the very least.

It will lead you to the realization that bigotry rests securely on the shoulders of the lib-left in Canada. Their spewing of hateful accusations against those whose agenda they decry is pathetic and childish. In simple words the accusations represent what is often called claptrap. The work of an ignorant and paranoid personality who sees sinister intent where it does not exist.

The dark and dangerous vision ascribed to the Christian Right is reflected in the vision of the liberal-left which has disastrously lost its way. Secular, atheist-based intolerance is paramount.

Even someone who supports abortion rights, who supports civil unions, (not quite same-sex marriage), and who supports ongoing funding of science and the arts, and Planned Parenthood International, can see beyond the intellectual fumbling attempting to pass as reality.

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