The convention of Reviving the Islamic Spirit, at the Long Beach Convention Center, May 29-31.
Siraj Wahhaj, among others, is on the speaker's list. Check out information on Wahhaj:
In a 1992 address to an audience of Muslims in New Jersey, Wahhaj expressed his desire to see Muslims seize control of the United States and replace its constitutional government with an Islamic caliphate. “If we were united and strong,” Wahhaj said, “we'd elect our own emir [leader] and give allegiance to him.... [T]ake my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.”More about the upcoming convention of Reviving the Islamic Spirit HERE.
In August and September of 2001, just prior to the 9/11 attacks, Wahhaj was a guest speaker a "Jihad Camp" in Pennsylvania. The camp was organized by Safet Abid Catovic, a leader of the Benevolence International Foundation, a "charity" that would be shut down in November 2002 on charges that it had provided funding for al Qaeda.
Stephen Schwartz has said the following of Wahhaj:"People like Wahhaj went from Nation of Islam to Saudi Wahhabism, and they preach those extreme views to their followers.... Wahhabism is hostile to all 'nonbelievers,' to secular society, certainly to American society, and it can fit with black radical thought. Despite denouncing Islamic terrorism on a number of occasions, Wahhaj has expressed a desire to remain neutral about Osama bin Laden and his complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has said: 'I'm just not so sure I want to be one of the ones who say, Yeah, he did it. He's a horrible man.'"
Video, complete with militant background music HERE.
And who knows? Maybe BHO will show up as a guest speaker, too. He's really determined to "reach out to Muslims," in essence, to embolden them as they seek to undermine America and seek to establish Islamic supremacism.
In my view, the upcoming convention of Reviving Islam the Islamic Spirit would be a good place to send in federal agents to discover seditionists and arrest them.
Of course, the Obama administration doesn't care one whit about stopping Islamic infiltration or protecting America. Remember, BHO has stated that we just "respect" Islam. Pffffft!
Labels: Always On Watch, islamification
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