May 18, 2010


NEWS FROM THE FRONT is your daily wrap-up of information affecting the conservative movement!

American Thinker - Attorney Mark J. Fitzgibbons exposes a bit of liberal hypocrisy -- and prejudice against conservatives using the power of government -- in their reaction to Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's investigation into possible fraud by a university professor, and claims that it's driven completely by ideology. Fitzgibbons points out that liberals hardly protest when government investigates private entities - so why would they get so upset about looking into potential fraud by a member of a state university?
Politico - Today's the day that we'll know a lot more about the comparative strength of Kentucky's Tea Parties, as Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul has all but guaranteed a victory in the primary race over establishment favorite (and former Democrat) Trey Grayson. Paul has promised a series of reforms if elected, and there's no doubt that a Paul win would send shockwaves throughout America's entrenched political establishment.

Washington Examiner - Voter discontent with the Washington establishment is surfacing in many different forms, and that's bad news for incumbents and establishment candidates from both parties. Today we'll find out just how badly voters want a change with important contests in Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Arkansas serving as leading indicators.

Rasmussen Reports - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist enjoyed a predictable 'bounce' when he announced his decision to bolt the Republican Party and run for the U.S. Senate as an Independent - but that bounce appears to have receded, as conservative favorite Marco Rubio now enjoys an 8-point advantage (the same number as before Crist's announcement in polling of a potential three-way race). - One of the many interesting races to be determined during today's voting is the special election in Pennsylvania's 12th District, where Tim Burns is trying to become the first Republican elected to represent the district in almost forty years. Here's an 'eyewitness' account of the district's activity prior to the voting - and all signs point to an active grassroots effort to help put Burns over the top.

American Spectator (blog) - Quin Hillyer takes Sen. Robert Bennett to task for refusing to concede defeat in the Utah GOP U.S. Senate race - and also for Bennett's falsely accusing Tea Partiers of being an 'angry mob.' Hillyer wonders why establishment-types like Bennett just cannot take 'no' for an answer when the people have spoken as part of a legitimate nominating process.

Washington Post - Robert Samuelson writes of the lack of serious debate in America over the role of government, a failure to stop and seriously ask, how big should it be? Samuelson compares our debt situation to that of Europe and coldly predicts that if something isn't done - and quickly - then we're headed down a path of destruction that would be impossible to reverse. - Erick Erickson blogs on the preemptive 'surrender' announced by Senator John Kyl concerning Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination, wondering why Republicans are giving up so soon in a fight that would at least show they're willing to stand up for principle in assessing Court nominees. Erickson says the solution in this regard is to elect more conservative senators, and presents a slate of candidates that would help change the ideological direction of the Republican caucus.


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