May 4, 2010

Franco-German tensions over the Euro Currency

Last evening on the English language channel France 24, in their evening debate, an open dispute between a guest speaking from Germany and French guests in Paris reached such a level as to which country was most isolated in the present eurozone crisis, that the broadcast had to be terminated when the German expert claimed the support of Austria, Finland and the Netherlands in preparing to refuse further aid to failing countries amid interruptions on French concerns over the impact on markets of their debate.

I have tried to find a link to the debate but unsurprisingly have not yet succeeded. A report from Ireland, indicates that cash-strapped nation is preparing to borrow to meet their 1.3 billion euros for their share of the money to be poured down the Grecian drain, read here.

Prior to the French broadcast being terminated the German contributor had spelt out that such subsidies were unconstitutional according to a court ruling at the time of the Maastricht Treaty and a challenge in the courts was nevitable in Germany considering that country's 22 billion euro share actually exceeding the usual EU contributions for Germany!

While the UK election is getting truly exciting in its closing stages, the events in the EU could become even more crucial and critical. The Times at least has a delayed report on the nonsense of the ECB now accepting Greek Junk bonds, about which I advised reader's of this blog some time ago, read their report from here.



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