Reactions to the Governor's budget proposals
Jean Ross, California Budget Project
Largely because of the economic downturn, California once again faces a very difficult budget year. But the Governor's May Revision is not the balanced, responsible approach called for at this critical time. It relies too heavily on proposed cuts, threatens the state's economic recovery, and recklessly gambles with our future. It pulls the rug out from under families already struggling with double-digit unemployment rates and the worst economic crisis this country has seen since the Great Depression and would leave the state ill-prepared to compete in an ever more competitive global economy.
Senator Lelan Yee (D)
When you propose to lay off teachers, close domestic violence shelters, and take away critical social services and health care, there is no doubt you have a revenue problem. I have opposed and will continue to oppose all budgets that are balanced on the backs of our students, elderly and working poor. We must claw back tax credits for corporations that abandon California, implement an oil severance tax like all other states, and ensure the wealthy pay their fair share. For too long, we have allowed Republicans to keep taxes off the table. Democrats need to stand strong and say draconian cuts to education and other critical services will not be tolerated.
Labels: California budget, Jean Ross
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