May 25, 2010

Setting The Stage

The prime minister of Lebanon has come to Washington. To warn President Obama, in case it escaped his notice, that there is a "pervasive" Arab frustration associated with the stagnating Middle East peace efforts.

Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, on his first official trip to the U.S., discussed with President Barak Obama concerns that Syria may be arming Hezbollah guerrillas. Needless to say, Mr. al-Hariri, whose government is one of 'national unity', of which Hezbollah plays a distinctly large role, had no idea whatever of where the United States may have picked up such absurd concerns.

He must surely have put President Obama's mind at rest over such purported, unrealistic matters. After all, even if Lebanon itself doesn't mind Syria continuing to dominate its politics and enjoys its superlative relationship with Iran's puppet militia, itself hugely dominating Lebanon's politics and social and religious affairs, the presence of UN troops on the border with Lebanon and Israel should be sufficient reassurance. No?

Can this be for real? President Obama discussing the growing momentum toward achieving more stinging sanctions against Iran, with a government official whose position is tacit support of Iran? Of course Prime Minister al-Hariri knows nothing of the problems that the U.S. faces with respect to Iran. That other Arab states in the Middle East are troubled, does not trouble Mr. al-Hariri.

He is troubled by a militant Israel with its intolerance for violent provocation.

And his message to the American president was simple enough: "The clock is ticking, and it is ticking against us. I also pointed to the pervasive frustration and skepticism in the Arab and Muslim worlds regarding this issue", said Mr. Hariri, post-White House meeting with the amenable president.

"This issue", clearly not one of nascent Iranian domination, and threat of nuclear weaponry, but obviously the intention of Israel to remain in situ.

Lebanon, it must be remembered, was invaded by Israel; once, twice, followed by one tardy, one swift withdrawal, both representing victories - for Lebanon and justice. UNIFIL, in place in southern Lebanon to ensure that Hezbollah withdrew from border mischief and did not re-arm, has been capably able to oversee a complete re-arming of the terror group now in proud possession of advanced missiles.

Scud missiles from Syria, along with M-600 guided rockets capable of carrying a 500-kg warhead with fair accuracy, within the range of Tel Aviv. That's for starters, since they've also been supplied with anti-aircraft and long-range ballistic missiles, through very successful covert operations.

Of course, once Hezbollah begins lobbing missiles into Israel and Israel lobs them right back, the UN force can complain it has been targeted by Israel.

The convenient distraction of escalating hostilities between Lebanon/Hezbollah and Israel, is a very nice cover for Iran's nuclear entitlements. And the sacrifice of a country like Lebanon to an incendiary war with Israel, this time no-holds-barred is just and fair, considering Iran's larger purpose.

Damascus and Tehran have laid their careful plans, and Turkey and Brazil are nicely on side.

The Jews must be ejected from "Palestine" as a first order of business. And then everything else will fall neatly into place. Presumably, the Arab states not in concert with Syria and Lebanon may be quaking in their desert boots, but this is, after all, the Middle East. The Palestinians have been well prepared for the accomplishments leading to the solution of a Jewish state in an Arab geography.

This is where the United States has been so very useful. For thanks to the outstanding work by U.S. Lt.Gen. Keith Dayton, Palestinian Authority security forces have obtained superior military training, becoming a formidable risk to Israeli troops' capabilities of securing the safety and security of Israel, thanks to their own superior training as has been evidenced in the past. But that was then, and this is now, an entirely different era.

These are Palestinian Arabs trained in American-style military action. Trained, equipped and educated as a military force by American soldiers. As a proper infantry force with attack capabilities, resolute and proud of their new military prowess. Not readily given to surrender.

Their American military mentor acknowledges his personal belief that 'his PA army' would attack Israel should Israel not surrender to international demands of peace-making as set out by the Middle East Quartet. Lt.-Col. Dayton seems quite complacent about this situation. He as much as spelled it out a year ago at a Washington lecture.

His opinion was that were Israel not to agree within a two-year time frame to international expectations, the Fatah forces he and his American officers are so proudly training, would eagerly turn their U.S.-provided guns and professional military on Israel.

Good thing Israel has the United States on its side.

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