I have posted numerous times about how Obama is an appeaser and about how that makes us and the Free World less safe.
Krauthammer has called this a policy of RETREAT instead of appeasement.
Maybe the best way to explain it is neither the left's fixation on appeasement or retreat, but the left's desire to IMPOVERISH AMERICA - materially and spiritually.
This might be the unified theory which entirely explains the left's strategy and tactics.
Maybe we should call it " The Left's Thirdworldization of America."
The left has long had a long and weird romance with the Third World.
After they realized that the world Marxist revolution wasn't going to arrive as Marx had thought - via the industrial nations - the left felt it would come via the Third World whom they painted as victims of the First World. And - since the left also blames the poverty of the Third World on the first - they see making us a Third World nation too as some sort of cosmic justice and retribution.
Turning America into a Third World nation is their wet dream. No doubt, one of Barry’s dreams from his father - (and it matters not whether that is Barack Senior or Frank Marshall Davis).
And of course… if the left can make America just another Third World nation, it will halt the impending anthropogenic global warming CATASTROPHE!
And making the USA into a poor Third World multicultural nation will make us too weak monetarily and morally to stand up to tyrants anywhere - or in leftist jargon, "to bully the rest of the world, be the world's self-appointed sheriff - and prop up the evil zionists".
So... there's another benefit for the left: their pals - the peaceful, woman-adoring, inventive muslims - get to retake the Holy Land.
For a leftist, what’s not to love about destroying the USA?
Because the left falsely blames the West for most of history's genocide, global warming and pollution and animal extinction, sexual repression, Third World Poverty, they probably wish that Obama would do it even faster.
The left's faulty analysis of humanity's problems and failed policies can't fail as far as they're concerned. As far as they're concerned it's a win-win situation: either they turn us into a poor socialist state as a goal or as a side-effect. The disease is the cure for the left:
- They'll make us all equal --- by making us all equally poor.
- They'll make us all equally dependent on the state - ergo government, ergo politicians and government unions.
- They'll keep us quiet - AKA: sedated - by defining deviancy down, ending normalcy and by substituting libertinage for liberty and Natural Law. We'll be allowed to do whatever the EFF we want as long as we pay taxes and die when they tell us to die.
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