June 22, 2010

I want all you "Blame Bush" morons to put your feeble minds around this: the costs of the Fannie Mae debacle dwarfs the costs of the BP spill

The CBO estimates that bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will end up costing taxpayers $400 BILLION.

That's TWENTY TIMES the cost of the BP spill.

If BP was negligent with their well, then the Democrats of Congress were negligent with Fannie Mae.

I'll tell you another thing that makes Fannie Mae worse: the taxpayer is paying for the Democrats' negligence, but NOT for BP's negligence.

And there will be more long term headaches for more people as a result of the Fannie Mae debacle then the BOP spill.

BOTTOM LINE: we need to clean up Congress as much as we need to clean up the Gulf.

We can do tat this November: Vote GOP!


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