Is there such a condition as Islamophobia? There is, in fact, a widespread and growing incidence of Muslim states succumbing to a severe viral agent of fanaticism overtaking what has been a sometimes reasonable balance of theocratic-based states that have lived in relative peace with their non-Muslim neighbour-states. A growing incidence of rigidly-controlling Islamism with hostile overtones directed toward non-Muslim states.
Above all, rigidly-theistic-driven states that have furnished non-state militias acting as their proxies, with training, with arms, and with a purpose. As national entities it is not seen as diplomatically politic to outright declare hostile intent against their adversary-states, and instead well armed and trained militias responding to the orders of the state which controls them have done the dirty work, viciously transgressing upon others.
Which doesn't even begin to describe the funding of madrases, both within Muslim states and abroad, in western democracies which in the genuine generosity of spirit and accommodation that exemplifies their liberal-democratic values, allow them to operate with impunity, undermining by their fundamentalist teaching the very democracies which accept their presence.
And in the process, spawning a tide of violent jihadists sworn to uphold the primary values of Islam, to spread Islamic ideals and values and scorn for the weak and degraded societies of the West, ripe for jihad to overtake their own traditions, culture and societal mores.
Alert and concerned individuals who decry the advent of this new militaristic assault by terror groups acting in the name of Islam, and warning western democracies of their slow descent into the grip of another kind of jihad, which intrigues for shariah law and a creeping immigrant population which begins to swamp the host country with an imported culture inimical to non-Muslim values, are characterized as bigots.
And the 57 member Organization of the Islamic Conference urgently stresses the need for the United Nations freedom-of-religion investigator to become more involved in combating "Islamophobia", which they contend, has reared its ugly head worldwide. Any criticism of Islam or violent jihad linked to Islam, or creeping shariah law, or the growing prevalence of 'honour' killings is seen as anti-Islam.
Muslim countries are growing increasingly militantly fundamentalist, enacting more stringent laws against homosexuals, political dissenters, 'improperly-clad' women, and non-Muslims. Apostates, those who leave Islam for other religions are now increasingly facing a penalty of death. Religions other than Islam may not be practised openly in Muslim countries. Freedoms taken for granted in western democracies are shut down.
Whereas in the West, there is freedom of religion, of assembly, of expression, of individuality. Yet with all this background activity of a world having to be on constant alert for attacks by Islamist terror groups while balancing the nuances of political correctness toward Muslims within their society, the OIC stridently accuses the West of Islamophobia.
A charge that many human-rights groups feel is meant to lead to special "protections" for Muslim countries in their growing totalitarian theocracies, in their rigid interpretation of Koranic precepts leading to acceptance of their minority human-rights persecutions.
Perhaps the collective western democracies should consider approaching the United Nations to accuse Islamic states of agitating through their proxy militias and madrases-charged terror groups for a global conspiracy toward a re-enacted Caliphate, for a return to the glory of Islam's once-global outreach.
With amenable countries like Cuba, Russia and China helping the OIC to form a vital voting bloc, the action sought to have the freedom-of-religion investigator root out "Islamophobia" may indeed be approved, while nothing whatever will be done to keep a check on the increasing incidence of Islamist governments placing the well-being and independence of western democracies in peril.
Iran, one of the delegates of the OIC impressing on the United Nations the need to battle the scourge of "Islamophobia", has announced its intention to build an additional four nuclear reactors, thumbing its nose once again at the international safeguards regime and the fourth set of sanctions imposed upon it by the Security Council.
The western democracies' Humpty Dumpty got shoved off the wall its was complacently seated upon, and the shattered pieces haven't been able to form a working alliance to protect their very own freedoms and future. How utterly tragic.
Labels: Human Relations, Middle East, Politics of Convenience, Religion, united nations
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