June 15, 2010

Reflections On "Reflections"

That superannuated spokesman for Latin America at it again, spreading his malicious version of reality to converge with the general atmosphere of condemning Israel for the unspeakable crime of defending itself from vicious assaults against its mere presence as a Jewish state surrounded by hostile countries within the Middle East. That demented elder statesman, no longer a statesman but most certainly elderly and quite demented, turns fiction into fact and delusion into truth.

Characterizing Israel and the Jews within the country as akin to the malign forces of fascism that almost succeeded in eradicating them from existence. Not merely hateful statements but statements sizzling with a mordant echo of gas chambers and the well-oiled orchestration of anti-Semitism choreographed into the triumph of the Holocaust. As though, having experienced the unspeakable agony of mass extermination, Jews would be eager to practise it upon others.

But there is verbose and tedious Fidel Castro, Cuba's gift to the world at large, expostulating a perversion of reality in grim concert with that so venomously and without demur by the United Nations, brought by Syria, Turkey, Iran and their cronies to the UN's Human Rights Council, courtesy of Cuba's 'diplomats'. The spittle was barely dried from his pen before Cuba forwarded Castro's refined 'reflections' to foreign missions in Geneva.

For some peculiar reason, Israel has the indelible impression that were it to leave an investigation into the the Gaza-bound flotilla of ships - which Israel's naval command intercepted and which was transformed into a world-wide humanitarian cause celebre by Turkish thugs intent on turning a 'peace' mission into a violent confrontation - to the United Nations, the result would be a biased conclusion faulting Israel.

Israel has announced, in consultation with the United States, its own internal probe into the ill-fated attempt to breach the sea blockade of Gaza. That very blockade which a country embattled by hostile forces surrounding it - and in particular Iran's two proxy terror militias eager to assemble greater stores of armaments with which to attack it - is held as a deliberate act to impoverish and starve Palestinian Gazans.

Despite that more than ample provisions, inclusive of food, medicines, commodities of all kinds are regularly trucked into Gaza through land border crossings. Despite that Hamas, through its control of myriad underground smuggling tunnels has been able to smuggle into Gaza countless armaments, inclusive of rockets, along with vehicles and large appliances which the poor people of Gaza, living on the avails of foreign welfare are able to take advantage of.

The make-up of Israel's internal probe into the raid on the Turkish ship and the resulting violent chaos that left nine Turks dead and IDF naval personnel severely wounded, is of such a nature that it guarantees a truth-reliable outcome. Of the five individuals involved in the probe, two are foreign observers. One, Canada's former chief military prosecutor, and the second, Northern Ireland's former first minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner.

As the UN Security Council called for a "prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards", the enquiry set up by Israel should be more than capable of fulfilling those parameters.

Castro's statement that "The hatred felt by the state of Israel against the Palestinians is such that they would not hesitate to send the one and a half million men, women and children of that country to the crematoria...", in fact resonates in direct contradiction to reality, where the existential threat against Israel has been stated and re-stated to the extent that the statement should be reversed to read:
"The hatred felt by the Palestinian representatives against the state of Israel is such that they would not hesitate to send the six million Jewish men, women and children of that country to the crematoria..."
But then, reality and falsehoods appear to be interchangeable in reflection of the regard in which the State of Israel and Jews wherever they exist are held.

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