July 16, 2010


Iran's nuclear scientist who is not a nuclear scientist at all - despite divulging fascinating data to interested CIA agents in the United States where he defected, but then didn't at all defect - is merely a "researcher" sans any useful nuclear knowledge, according to Iranian authorities. The CIA said thank you very much, paid him a cool $6 million and he has hied himself back to Iran to be re-united with his family whom he very much missed.

Iran is prepared to forgive and has given him a hero's welcome, having cleared him of any misdemeanors of the unforgivable traitor-variety.

This is one extremely conflicted young man, this nuclear scientist who is not a nuclear scientist. Who sought to seek refuge in the United States, but who was abducted by evil U.S. agents while he was in Saudi Arabia, and then forced to live for a few years in Texas, while attending university there to upgrade his knowledge about American society as an embedded agent of Iran.

He will verify in his de-briefing to take place in Evin prison for the Ayatollahs and the Revolutionary Guard that America is the Great Satan.

Iranians are becoming more than a little fretfully exercised over their plight as consumers for whom consumable goods are becoming more pricey. Thanks and no-thanks to the leadership of the United States and that unspeakable Middle East State, Israel, which has labelled it a threat to the world. Sanctions are impacting on the well-being of Iranian citizens to a notable degree. Not that they were not already being pinched by high prices.

Hitting the economy in travel, banking and energy, the trade and transfer of funds, all those sectors so necessary to the functioning of a society whose public has become accustomed to living a decent lifestyle is not a friendly act. those, for example, in the teaching profession who earn the equivalent of $400 monthly are finding it difficult to feed their families.

All this over Iran's right to become a nuclear nation?

This is patently unfair. This kind of hurtful psychological warfare, this isolation of a worthy country, a proud and honourable nation. This amounts to hatred directed toward the people of Iran. Iranians have become the new Jews! The world is targeting Iran with a brand of virulent anti-Aryanism. This is intolerably unfair, racist, implacably bigoted.

But, say many people, they are prepared to pay the price to preserve 'their nuclear program'.

Why? Because the country that produces an inordinate amount of the world's fossil fuel energy requires nuclear for domestic energy production. Fund the enterprises required to themselves refine all that gas and oil that is pumped to Europe for refinement and then returned as a finished product to Iran? Impractical.

Far better to use the country's scarce monetary reserves to build nuclear infrastructure. Here, there, everywhere. And continue to refine uranium.

No, not to weapons-grade. Just, to kind of have a stockpile of highly refined uranium. Iran is a peaceful, law-abiding, compassionate country. It has no intention, none whatever, of harming any other country, of posing a threat to the stability of the Middle East, much less to the world at large. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is just kidding, folks. After all, he has Jewish blood in his DNA. Just keeping Israel on its proverbial toes, that's all.

The stealthy sabotage that the United States and its allies have been engaging in over the years, doing their utmost to throw wrenches into the finely-tuned plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran is most unfortunate. And the lies that they bandy about! Take the estimate by Ivan Oelrich, nuclear scientist, vice-president of Federation of American Scientists whose study purported to demonstrate that Iran's centrifuges operate at 20% efficiency; clearly outrageous attempts to demoralize the administration.

Iran is on top of that. Its Republican Guard know what they're doing. They've arrested spy squirrels and spy pigeons, and have the matter well in hand; neither are now reporting to the interfering international intelligence (hah! there's a misnomer if ever there was one...) communities. And those spies are on death row, destined to pay the supreme price for confusing their loyalties.

Sabotage will not be tolerated. Nor disrespect. Nor protests against theocratic totalitarianism which is what Allah has prescribed as a remedy to heal the sick hearts of the people of Iran.

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