Robin Shepherd writes in the Jerusalem Post about the British Methodist Church's anti-Israelism (via The Other McCain and Atlas Shrugs):
The decision last week by the Methodist Church of Britain to launch a boycott against goods emanating from settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem will send a shiver down the spine of anyone with a feel for where the rancid, global campaign against the Jewish state is currently heading.Certainly in Britain. Perhaps this is why the Pilgrims left the isle? And maybe this is why Jews living in England today would do well to follow suit?
The boycott will involve transactions of the church itself, and extends to encouraging all affiliated Methodists to follow suit. The Methodists boycott no other country.
The fact that an institution professing allegiance to values of love, truth and justice should have succumbed to an agenda of hatred, hypocrisy and barbarism is sadly emblematic of the degraded spirit of our times, and of the moral inversions which blow through them.
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