July 10, 2010


  • The Left thinks that all we need to do to increase employment is RAISE taxes and INCREASE regulations.
  • The Left thinks that all we need to do to make the world safer is reduce defense spending and be nicer to our enemies.
  • The Left thinks that instead of qualification-based criteria we need to use more race-based and/or gender-based factors to make society more fair.
  • The Left thinks that CO2 - a substance necessary for life on Earth - is a pollutant.
  • The Left thinks Fidel and Raul Castro - who haven't had a real elections in 60 years - are better than Bush who "stole" an election.
  • The Left thinks that government bureaucrats can run the healthcare industry, save money, and take better care of YOUR health than you and your doctor.
These positions - which reveal presuppositions and values which truly lie at what is now the very core of leftist ideology - are absurd.

Nevertheless, the Left maintains some appeal among the electorate. WHY? SIMPLE: they control the Academy and the Media and are therefore able to continuously indoctrinate a new generation - and retain a fairly high percentage each year.

The Left's ability to propagandize even this percentage is waning as new media strengthens.

If we keep up the pressure, then we can completely defeat the Left.

A major turning point is coming up in November. We can send a message to the entire left which will be even more powerful than the ones sent by Scott Brown and Chris Christie.

It's up to us.


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