July 8, 2010

A Malevolent Mind

Now that really is malign, a mind so ferociously obsessed with spewing the filthy bile of pure, unadulterated hatred. "Yes, I am a fanatic. I am ready to kill millions. We must never cease in our efforts to eliminate the Jewish people from the face of the earth. Their permanent liquidation and destruction is the only solution."

Tch, that 'solution' again. And here we thought it was all over with the Final Solution, didn't we? Aren't we so dreadfully naive?

The brain in which that mind exists should be pickled in brine and studied by scholars seeking to discover the origins of human failure. Just as the brilliant scientist Paul Broca studied the human brain to discover the speech production centre located in the frontal lobes, scientists could probe the brain of Salman Hossain to ascertain whether it really is a brain, or a malfunctioning (anal) sphincter.

Imagine, with that study completed, the understanding of virulent racial hatred could be revolutionized and that dreadful dysfunction might be amenable to alteration.

It might be conceived that the strictured, walnut-sized organ passing for a brain in those species of homo sapiens like himself, could be anatomically corrected through extensive surgery which, while rendering the patient inarticulately dumb, might result in an average-size brain with an average capacity to understand equality and human decency.

In the meantime, the vile creature has fled its roost. After spewing his garbage of racial annihilation for far too long, public security authorities may finally have reached the conclusion that this sad vestige of quasi-humanity appears in dire need of assistance that might only be achieved through the intervention of a lobotomy.

But he has fled, alas. Some base and elemental instinct must have alerted him to imminent apprehension.

The Bangladeshi-Canadian whose parents must surely wonder what they had given birth to, has returned to the country where Islam may look kindly upon his utterances; surely he meant to travel on to Pakistan, to Saudi Arabia, to Iran? They would be most eager to take advantage of the rapier-sharpness of his silver tongue laced with deadly vitriol for the Western dross, the infidels; above all the Jews.

That the Ontario Attorney-General has managed to wake himself out of his slumbering sense of beneficent doubt to arrive, however tardily, to the realization that this pathetic impostor of a human being might represent some slight threat to civility within the province, is quite wonderful. A big hand of appreciation for Attorney-General Chris Bentley!

And, on second thought, it is easy to imagine why the man whom his mother considers "stupid, an idiot and immature" would seek to achieve infamy here and the fame of notoriety there. All that adoring attention from the ranks of the Islamofascists works to produce a never-ending adrenaline rush.

It is so heady to be so beloved, and venerated, almost as though one were Allah himself.

And the happily defiant notes to the world through the blog of this creature resonate with the calm assurance of righteousness, the intent to complete what others failed to do, despite their solemn promises; let's hear it for a Thousand-Year-Rich Islamist Empire!

Seriously, if the world of Islam really is as invested as its clerics and academics claim they are in presenting Islam as a religion of peace and goodwill, then why is there no popular Muslim outcry against the filthy bile of fanatical Muslims like this piece of drek?

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