July 12, 2010


According to reports in the Arabic media, the US has threatened to cut aid to Jordan if it doesn't coordinate its uranium development with Israel:
The United States has threatened to cut financial aid to Jordan, if the Hashemite Kingdom continues to develop its nuclear program without coordinating with Israel, the Arab media reported on Monday.

The American threat comes after Amman rejected Israeli demands to participate in extraction and enrichment of uranium, and Jordan's failure to obtain US approval for its nuclear plan, despite talks between the two parties, which lasted six months.

According to reports, the ultimatum was probably given to Amman days after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judah.

In 2007, at least 65, 000 tons of uranium ore was found in the Jordanian desert, making it one of the largest deposits in the world.

The Hashemite Kingdom has claimed its enrichment program was aimed at reducing dependency on petroleum imports. Ninety five percent of Jordan's energy consumption is supplied by other countries, mainly Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
Obviously, I'm skeptical of their claims, because uranium is a material that can be made into a dangerous explosive, just as it can be a fuel for producing electricity. Who knows that they aren't following in the footsteps of Iran by coming up with their own nuclear weapons, which could be used to much more dangerous effect against Israel in the future because it'd be much closer? And Jordan's ties with Israel have been withering as Islamofascism builds up in their backyard.

Yet I don't forsee the US government under Obama making any serious effort to cut down their funding if they aren't taking any serious steps against Iran.


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