He's a Piece of Work
Spouting age-old accusations against Jews and their amazing ability to turn world opinion in their favour through manipulating world news, and with their fabulous wealth exerting power over heads of state to achieve their end purpose of ruling the world, Mohamed Elmasry has graduated from his elevated spot within Canada as head of the Canadian Islamic Congress to operating an Internet news outlet. Energetically striving to achieve what he accuses Jews of successfully promoting.
Suspicion and violent, unremitting hatred of voices that tell their own truth in a contest for world opinion. Challenging the unspeakably mendacious slander that Elmasry and those of his anti-Semitic fellow travellers revel in, to stoke a public backlash against the Jewish 'entity', 'Zionists' and of course, the source of so much of his grievance as a professional victim, the State of Israel. Regardless of the lengths to which he stretches to legitimize his hateful views, the logic of reality cannot be hidden.
Israel is a democratic country whose citizens, both Jews and Arabs, along with Christians, feel comfortable living within, taking advantage of the freedoms offered them, in stark contrast to the totalitarian, human-rights-abusing countries by which it is surrounded. When Israeli Arabs respond to questions about their preferences, whether to live under the Palestinian Authority or the Israeli government, the majority defend their Israeli citizenship.
But vividly-imagined conspiracies and apartheid characterizations are the stuff that fire the neurotic imagination of Elmasry and his followers, anxious to instill the 'real history' of the Middle East in the minds of Canadian Muslim youth. So, through the Internet site such youth can read the real truth and nothing but the truth about the lies of the Holocaust, comparing them to the reality of the holocaust imposed upon helpless suffering Palestinians.
Teaching them to view their fellow Canadians who happen to be Jews as their enemies in a paranoid trap of intellectual and social distraction from the real world that Canada's egalitarian pluralism is meant to convey. There is no charge levelled against Jews, Israel, Zionists and Canada's Jewish demographic that present as sufficiently scurrilous to satisfy the bitter madness of Elmasry and his ilk. He, and they, remain a miserable blot of soul sickness on the body politic of the country.
"Canada, like the U.S.," according to Elmasry, "is an occupied country where the Israel Lobby is the chief arbiter of truth. Anyone who undermines Zionist dogma can expect to be savaged by the Lobby's media thugs." So, Elmasry is frantically engaged in cramming as much Islamist dogma savaging Jews and their amazing influence on Canada's administrators, politicians, bankers, newspapers, public, service unions and academics, in his own inimitable bid to prove his paranoid theories right.
The prayers by forgiving Christians, first at the blistering condemnatory table of Christopher Hitchens' continued flaying of religious belief and the faithful, will be vastly counteracted by the
unforgivingly livid hatred of Islamists whose celebration of the man's recently-revealed treatment for cancer has been written up at the Elmasry Internet site. The loathsomeness of Elmasry's delirium-in-hate identifies him as a sad excuse for a human being.
That he was elected to represent the Canadian Islamic Congress speaks volumes about the group's dedication to melding seamlessly into Canadian society which (in theory and for the most part, in practise) accepts all citizens as equals, and decries the demeaning of any element of society.
Labels: anti-Semitism, Canada, Values
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