August 31, 2010

Muslim France; Yesterday and Today

According to an article on Daniel Pipes blog, "With eight bombings or attempted bombings in 3 months, France is convulsing over the problems of terrorism, fundamentalist islam and Algeria...What's happening will probably come as a surprise to most Americans."

Photo AFP via Atlasshrugs.
"Muslims live more concentratedly in what the French call, "Suburbs of Islam"."

(These suburbs are mapped by the French government and can be found here.)
"Muslims engage disproportionately in criminal activity and mostly of a violent nature." An example Pipes gives of visiting a well-off French home where they employ 3 gardeners; although 1 has proven incompetent the owners dare not fire him for fear of retribution.

The date? October 1 1995. Fifteen years ago, 6 years before 9/11. Appalling that the French government did nothing!

On January 1 2010, "youths" torched over 1000 cars across France overnight, and on 17 July 2010 there was mayhem in Grenoble, eastern France when rioters torched shops and fired on police with automatic weapons.

A post dated August 24 2010:

"A man lunching on the terrace of a restaurant in eastern France - Lyon - was beaten about the head with a bottle and a chair by 3 "youths" for eating during the day- ramadan!!
"Three days later a Jewish woman was abused by 2 "youths" for shopping for food during the day  ramadan"!!

This is what happens when governments sit on their @rse5 doing nothing while appeasing murderous islamists!!

PS: the LAPD tried to map its muslim population but there seems to have been problems carrying it out!


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