August 4, 2010

Thousands of teachers will keep their jobs; Senate breaks filibuster

The U.S. Senate defeated another Republican filibuster- finally. Ten Billion $ to keep teachers at work.

The U.S. Senate  approved a vote that would provide $10 billion for teachers jobs, and $16 billion for state aid, much of which will go to hire firemen, police, and medical workers. This measure has been blocked by a Republican threat of a filibuster since May. The vote to end the talking was 61 to 38,  Republicans Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, joined with the Democrats to end the talking.
Update: Thursday:  Legislation long sought by Democrats to prevent layoffs of tens of thousands of teachers, police and other public workers has passed the Senate.
The bill would help states and local school boards deal with severe budget problems. It would preserve the jobs of perhaps 300,000 public employees across the country by extending programs in last year's stimulus law. It passed 61-39 Thursday, after months of blocking tactics by Republicans.
In addition to saving teachers jobs, the appropriation will assist the many cash strapped states  by funding Medicaid allowing these funds to be used for other urgent needs.
California Senator Barbara Boxer voted for the bill.  Her opponent, Carly Fiorna said she would have voted against the bill. 

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