The Nobility of France
"The concept of ethnic minorities is a concept that does not exist for us."Ah, France, with its revolutionary ideals of the fellowship of humankind: liberty, equality, fraternity. Who could fail to be moved by the fairness, the utter justness of that magnificent theory put into practise, that all people are equal in the eyes of society and French law. Except, of course, for those who are viewed as suspect, rejected and ejected; deservedly unequal.
Why blame France? Gypsies, the Roma, have always been universally viewed with suspicion. Despised, set aside from normal society. Nazi Germany knew them for what they were; vermin, second only to Jews. Oh, and of course homosexuals. And, along with Jews they were placed in concentration camps where they belonged, and where they could perish.
Germany, the Czech Republic and France call a spade what it is; undesirable within their distinguished company, and to be ejected from those superior countries. It is France, however, which has undertaken a systematic routing of the Roma, uprooting their encampments and hustling them back to where they came from - in the distant past.
Romania and Bulgaria can have them back, thanks very much as in thanks, but no thanks. Of course official France modestly claims not to be violating the human rights of the Roma, for they clearly are in no position to claim human rights for themselves as a blight upon society. They are outcasts, not fit to claim their place in decent company.
Why? Well, obviously; they're Gypsies. And their illegal camps are dens of iniquity; at the very least places where prostitution and crime has proliferated. Which is often what happens as a last-resort claim on existence, when all other avenues have been blocked off by that polite society that disclaims their existence.
And no, of course the Government of France is not selectively choosing to oppress Roma. It's just a coincidence that in their zeal to rid the country of undesirables, some of the Roma have been swept up in the bid to dispose of illegal immigrants.
"Three hundred camps or illegal settlements must be dismantled within three months, prioritizing those of the Roma", read the unearthed memo signed by the chief of staff of the French Interior Minister.Foul! Cries the European Union. This is not fair play and does not express the rules of the EU: "No citizen must become the target of repressive action because he belongs to a specific ethnic minority or nationality": E.U. spokesperson.
Whoops! Major misunderstanding... Another memo issued to ensure the matter has been clarified: "Pursue the dismantling of camps, whoever the occupants may be". That should do it. Five thousand already evicted, sent back to 'countries of origin' where they may continue to live in the extremities of want and poverty.
Problem, what problem? Even Canada is loathe to accept them as refugees fleeing persecution.
Labels: European Union, Human Fallibility, Traditions
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