September 28, 2010

ONS numbers confirm Labour tried to buy the General Election last May!

The Office of National Statistics has confirmed the figures that show UK growth in the second quarter of this year, read the Reuters' report here, from which I quote the opening paragraphs:

(Reuters) - The economy grew at its fastest pace in nine years in the second quarter of 2010 and growth in the first three months of the year was revised slightly higher, official data showed on Tuesday.

Analysts, however, said the pace of growth is likely to fall sharply given that it has relied heavily on a drop in household saving and a big rise in government spending.

It is incomprehensible to me that while what Brown and Darling clearly tried to rig here was a false mini-boom for the second quarter, which was the latest date the election could have been legally and feasibly held, yet these two shady wreckers of the British economy are still walking the streets as free men!

If lawyers are at a loss of where to start, given all these men accomplished in wrecking the nation (thus finishing the job their forebears begain with an independent Scotland) may I suggest they look at the flogging off of the Inland Revenue offices to a tax haven company based overseas, fully detailed in back issues of Private Eye magazine.

Footnote: A later report from Bloomberg, linked here, gives further evidence of the fiddling, I quote:

In the third estimate of GDP for the second quarter, the statistics office revised up its measure of government-spending growth to 1 percent from 0.3 percent because of late data, mostly from central government. That was the biggest increase in six quarters.

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