October 21, 2010

France imported almost 6000 megawatts of electricity yesterday lunchtime

Le Figaro reorts (here in French) that yesterday lunchtime between 1300 and 1400 5,990 Megawatts of electricity were imported by France, the equivalent to the output of 6 nuclear power stations.

Several petrol service stations, including the huge Carrefoure facility in the outskirts of our largest nearby town are reported closed this morning. One nearby rural town has no fuel for cars while another having been out of diesel for the past couple of days is reported to have supplies available. I will update these reports regularly together with any electricity power cuts if they occur.

It is clear the main battle line against President Sarkozy's proposed pension reforms is now on the energy front. A socialist Senator stated on TV last evening that the debate in the Upper House of the French Parliament was likely to continue through the weekend. The Government continues to resist any concessions.



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