In Sheeps Clothing
By what measure of value determination can a speech by an Ottawa Muslim leader to government departments be identified as a "salute to freedom"? The very fact that special dispensation has been granted hard-lobbying Muslim groups like the Canadian Islamic Congress which has invented its very own festival of singular recognition, 'Islamic History Month', to mount an event at the Department of Foreign Affairs or Department of National Defence, as part of an 'outreach' initiative, presents as peculiar in its intent and purpose.
What, conceivably, could be gained in understanding and co-operation between those government departments and the Canadian Islamic Congress? This is a special-interest group that has, in the past, and continues to the present, to foster a sense of adversity against another Canadian demographic practising a different religion but yet fully absorbed in Canadian life. While the Canadian Islamic Congress and other like Muslim groups seek to cause division and suspicion within Canadian society.
They subscribe to the Arab bloc-initiated "blasphemy" clause in the United Nations which would have the effect of legally stifling any kind of criticism of Islam, making it a human-rights offence. This is an initiative by the international Organization of Islamic Conference that would single out Islam as worthy of protection from criticism, while leaving all other ethnic groups and religions to fend for themselves in the interests of free speech.
For what purpose, precisely, is it that Canadian society is quietly witnessing social mores and rights and privileges in a free society, to be accomplished by undermining the concept of equality between all peoples who have migrated to Canada to become a part of this great democratic nation? To quietly infiltrate the corridors of power and decision-making to recognize Islamic exceptionalism is to degrade Canadian values.
Imam Zijad Delic professes to be amazed and offended that Defence Minister Peter MacKay, on learning that DFA's Muslim Community Working Group and DND have granted exceptional entree and treatment to the Muslim community, chose to make the decision that Imam Delic, representing the Canadian Islamic Congress - recognized as an extremist group - need not appear at the scheduled event.
But the Canadian Islamic Congress's agenda and point of view on controversial topics that have no respected place in the Canadian narrative, most certainly does isolate it and other like Muslim organizations that also subscribe to aggressive Islamic intentions to alter the laws and values of Canada. Imam Delic, as the CIC's executive director, is in full agreement with all the suborning initiatives that have been undertaken by his group.
Canada and the Government of Canada need to look a little more introspectively at its penchant to singularly exercise an 'outreach' program toward Muslim groups. They should be treated no differently than any other ethnic-origin Canadian group. Their steady influence and infiltration into government offices and public security infrastructures betray a sense of nervous tension to be defused by group bonhomie.
The Muslim Canadian Congress and Tarek Fatah have it absolutely right, characterizing Imam Delic as the "same old wine in a new bottle". Mr. Delic's outwardly conciliatory and Canadian-values approach represents a blinder to fully comprehending the furtive agenda of the Canadian Islamic Congress. Tarek Fatah, a fervent and courageous opponent of Islamism, speaks with full knowledge of the undercurrent of trust that the CIC is manipulating over and above its agenda.
"There are organizations in Canada that condone armed jihad, and until they renounce it, they should not be entertained by any government agency", are the explanatory words spoken by Tarek Fatah. Who knows of what he speaks. Including speaking disfavourably over the incredible vulnerability of "circles of outreach" in government departments like Foreign Affairs, Department of National Defence, and the RCMP to allow themselves to be glibly manipulated.
That this is occurring is an affront to Canadian society as a whole. And it represents a real and present danger that Islamist groups within Canada which will not relent in their determination to have Sharia introduced into the country along with a place of exceptionalism for Canadian Muslims.
Labels: Canada, Government of Canada, Politics of Convenience
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