October 19, 2010


Jimmy Carter is a traitor to the USA and an anti-Semite:
(AP) — Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that Palestinians are "living in a cage" in Gaza and that the militant group Hamas must be included in all major efforts for peace.
And Israel - surrounded by 350 million Arabs - is not in a cage!?

And Hamas should be included in talks despite the fact that they aren't interested an any settlement that results in the continued existence of Israel!?

People who regard Gaza as suffering at the hands of Israel, but not at the hands of the islamo-fascist/jihadist Hamas are dupes, dopes or the enemies of liberty and the West.

The blockade is NOT causing a humanitarian crisis; there is no starvation in Gaza and no shortages of anything the PEOPLE need - only of some of the things terrorists can use to attack Israel.

Israel should no more be forced to talk to Hamas than the Chinese forced to talk to the Uighurs or the Turks forced to talk to the PKK or the Russians forced to talk with the Chechen terrorists who attacked the parliament there, or the Spanish forced to talk to ETA.

ANYONE who argues Israelis must negotiate with Hamas - but is not arguing to force any of these other nations to talk to the terrorists who attack them is therefore an antisemite and aiding and abetting the islamo-fascist enemy.

This is the same enemy who attacked us on 9/11 - and who we fight in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, the Philippines.

This is the same enemy who is threatening Europe with Mumbai-style attacks this very day.

Jimmy Carter sides with them.

He is a disgusting traitor.


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