Splenetic Guile
Obviously delighted with those occasional bouts of adulating notoriety for his noxious juvenile performances before a limited, appreciative audience of Israel-bashers, he poses, preens and prattles the nonsense that has garnered him the attention he craves. Uttering the kind of human rights twaddle that leftists greedily lap up as cream to the avaricious cat.
Good clean fun, folks, that's obvious by the photograph on page one of the National Post, of Grungy George (Galloway for those ignorant of his presence in Toronto) hugging himself with joy over the attention he feels he so richly deserves.
Appearing, in the process, like a toothless old boxer with battered-brain syndrome.
Fixated on making Jerusalem 'Judenrein", and creating a vacuum of Jews within Israel, with his generous 'one-state' solution which would, if it came to fruition, solve the problem of a Jewish State in an Arab-Muslim region of the world. One that brooks no presence of a historical tribe's descendants, nor an ancient religion's right of residence.
Those who support his presence in Canada and his hysterical diatribes against Israel, and what he purports to be a Canadian government that presents as a willing tool of Israeli Apartheid, are sadly afflicted with the soul-destroying neurosis of racism, genteelly cloaked in a concern for the misunderstood and maltreated underdogs, the suffering Palestinians.
In the process of delivering his splenetic hatred for Jews and Israel, his support for a terrorist group, deemed as such by the European Union, Canada and the United States, registers him as an enthusiastic sympathizer of Hamas whose charter clearly demands the destruction of Israel, a prospect that appears most appealing to this failed politician who sees his life-work in the appeal of a racist ideology.
This sclerotic and fixated pugilist plans, he avows, to sue the Government of Canada, just as he has invited Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney to a round of shattering cerebral function, which would leave the ageing vendor of hatred totally mentally incapacitated. Making him surely even more beloved of those who clasp his incendiary message close to their hearts.
Canada and its unfortunate citizens can now look forward to hosting a social reprobate who deprecates and slanders our government, belabouring it for a stance of which he does not approve, as though his opinion is of great moment. His unsavoury reputation in his native England, and his preoccupation with his huge championing of murderous terrorists mark him as a jolly psychopath in good company.
He can celebrate with the Canadian Arab Federation and the Canadian Islamic Congress in their intemperate proclamations of support for Hezbollah and Hamas and their indelible missions of destruction, for they are kith and kin.
Labels: anti-Semitism, Britain, Canada, Conflict, Security
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