November 7, 2010

Chanel 2 News, Atlanta, Uncovers Proof Jihadists Are Crossing The Mexican Border

From Channel 2, Atlanta, via Jawa:

The U.S. Border Patrol has captured thousands of people they say are classified as OTM which stands for "other than Mexican." Documents show many of them are from terrorists nations like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. Federal authorities call those groups SIAs, which stands for "special interest aliens".

Federal officials have offered few details about the number of actual terrorists caught along the border.

Retired immigration agent Michael Cutler says the actual threat is being covered up. "Incredibly the government is attempting to keep the citizens like a bunch of mushrooms. Keep us in the dark and feed us a bunch of manure."

Government officials have denied that terrorists have crossed our open border. Still, Channel 2 Action News has proof they have. Channel 2 Anchor Justin Farmer found documents filed in federal court in San Antonio, Texas, in May. They show an indictment against Ahmed Muhammad Dhakane for allegedly smuggling hundreds of people from Brazil to Mexico, then into the U.S. The federal indictment states it includes some Somalis from the terrorist group Al Shabob. Terrorism experts say the group is responsible for terrorist attacks and suicide bombings worldwide.

"To this day we do not know where those 300 Somalis are," said Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas. "We do know they are in the United States."
Maintaining a strong border is a national security is a national security issue. Those who do not believe in strong borders are advocating for the destruction of the United States.

Go read the whole thing.


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