A debate on an English Parliament
MPs invited to debate whether the UK has a future?
The Campaign for an English Parliament is delighted to host a debate on Wednesday, 24th November 2010 (7pm) at Dartmouth House, 37 Charles Street, London W1J 5ED.
The motion will be
‘This house believes that an English Parliament is the last hope for a United Kingdom’.
The background to this debate is the widening gulf between the nations of the UK and the reluctance of the British Government to discuss these inequalities. You only have to listen to the Coalition Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg when on the 16th November 2010 he stated, at the Hansard Society event, ‘that there is no evidence at all that devolution leads to inequalities.’
“That view is dangerously naive as the dissolution of Unions is a very real concern, we only have to think of Yugoslavia and the present impasse in Belgium to realise the damaging consequences of failure. The blatant inequalities within UK devolution need to be resolved before the people of England become totally irreconcilable to the Union”. Says Eddie Bone, Public Relations Officer, Campaign for an English Parliament
“Without national equality we will see a continuation of the unrest seen on our streets such as that of the students this month. Only English students face the prospect of tuition fees up to £9,000 and crippling debt on graduation wherever they choose to study in the UK unlike their Scottish and Welsh counterparts who pay no fees. Similarly the people of England are threatened with devastating cuts in funding from the British government of up to 25% whilst it is reported that the grants to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are only being reduced by 6.8%, 7.5% and 6.9% respectively. This inequality of cuts in funding occurs whilst there is asset stripping of England”. Says Scilla Cullen, Chairman, Campaign for an English Parliament
“Unlike Scottish Nationalists, the Campaign for an English Parliament is not committed to independence and hence the destruction of the UK but seeks a new 21st Century union in which the nations and peoples of the UK are equally enfranchised”. Says Scilla Cullen, Chairman, Campaign for an English Parliament
“Partnerships can quickly disappear when they have grown apart or have financial disputes. This is what we see now in the UK yet MPs remain distant and aloof to these very real concerns as Nick Clegg’s naïve reply shows”. Says Eddie Bone, Public Relations Officer, Campaign for an English Parliament
“The Campaign for an English Parliament urges all the UK MPs and Peers to address the growing national inequalities. An English Parliament is a solution as it would allow the people of England to feel part of the UK again and not just an ignored and despised piggy bank for the rest of the UK”. Says Scilla Cullen, Chairman, Campaign for an English Parliament
For bookings and for more information contact either Scilla or Eddie on
Scilla Cullen, Chairman of the Campaign for an English Parliament, Scilla.cullen@dsl.pipex.com
Eddie Bone, Public Relations Officer for the Campaign for an English Parliament eddiejbone@aol.co.uk
For further information about the Campaign for an English Parliament please go to our website www.thecep.org.uk
Labels: English Parliament
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