November 9, 2010

Evil Disavowed

The pathology of hatred exemplified by the passion of fanatical Islamists who conspire to wreak deadly carnage on any who are not complicit with their view of the righteousness of Islam and the imposition of sharia law on a universal scale. The pathetic evidence that Muslims themselves who are constantly targeted by suicide bombers wherever they happen to normally congregate throughout the course of their days, be it a market or a mosque, cannot and will not recognize the evil that stalks them.

"Al-Qaeda is an Israeli gang using Islam as a cover. They want to defame Islam through terrorist acts. Yemen has a lot of enemies and they're all looking for gaps to slip through and destroy us. Al-Qaeda might also be the work of the secessionists who want to divide Yemen." Article by Jeffrey Fleishman in Yemen

Much as the conspiracy theorists, whether they are Muslim or left-liberal Westerners who believe that the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York on 9-11 were too sophisticated to have been carried out by a motley group of would-be suicide bombers. They were, instead, a vast conspiracy engaging the United States administration and its Zionist allies, for the purpose of implicating Muslims.

In Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, where Arab and Muslim militias have assembled and recruited and indoctrinated with benighted Messianic zeal young men into the delusional world of holy jihad in the name of Allah, hundreds of the faithful are slaughtered, thousands wounded, and yet Muslims refuse to believe that fellow Muslims could be the source of such unspeakable carnage.

In Yemen, where U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, whose seditious, bloody lectures have recruited impressionable young Muslim men from North America with his smooth, perfect English command and his Koranic interpretations have been responsible for atrocities like the Fort Hood massacre, and other, failed attempts at wholesale bloodshed, ordinary Yemenites profess not to recognize the name, nor even believe that he exists.

A Yemeni court has issued an "forcible arrest" warrant on this elusive master criminal mind. Finally acceding to a request from the United States, eager to pinpoint his place of refuge and to bring him either to justice in the United States, or to deprive him of his life through a drone strike. Drone strikes are popular with the West, unwilling to sacrifice any more of its young military personnel in Islamists' guerrilla war.

Drone strikes represent an anathema to people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Muslim world, where the general acknowledgement is that they also too often kill innocent people in the pursuit of the guilty. The desperate will resort to any devices, however awkward and however imperfect in their execution, to solve intractable problems.

As for the search for the common man in Yemen who recognizes the name of Anwar al-Awlaki, the inspiration for so many attacks from a demented and clever mind:
"Anwar Awlaki? Yes, I know who he is. He is not of Islam. He is not a real Muslim. His behaviour against the world is not right. We should do no harm to one another. It's God who should decide whether we go to heaven or hell, not Awlaki."
Ah, well.

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