The Hudson Reporter (via Atlas Shrugs) announces that the imam who seeks to desecrate Ground Zero has lost custody of the slums in his ownership in New Jersey:
UNION CITY - After months of Union City vying for custodial receivership of Imam Feisal Rauf’s property on Central Avenue, Superior Court Judge Olivieri, in a teleconference Nov. 9 with Union City’s attorney and Rauf’s attorney, has granted receivership with “restrictions” to custodial receiver Raymond Bulin, according to Union City spokesman Mark Albiez.This should serve as an important reminder that, given the chance, there will be slumlords on the loose even in today's society who'll be more than willing to rip innocent people off and leave them in misery, just like in the last century. The slumlord in question here is someone who owns expensive Armani suits and hot rod convertibles. Rauf does not deserve his riches, especially not if he's going to use them for funding Hamas and other anti-Israel affiliates as well.
Rauf is the Muslim cleric at the center of the controversy over the proposal to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque near the former World Trade Center site.
The teleconference was the next step after Olivieri received the city’s final inspection report Oct. 22 based upon a final inspection by the city Oct. 21 that revealed fire, building, and health code violations remained at 2206 Central Ave. In the report, the city again called for receivership on the basis of continued failure to remedy violations by the specified deadlines.
Bulin has not been granted full management of the building, but has been tasked with abating the remaining violations, such as uncapped sewer lines and bedbug infestation. A $7,000 check, money from October rent payments held in escrow from Rauf’s attorney, will pay for the repairs.
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