November 5, 2010

GCHQ - the next tool of oppression for the EU!

While I was internetless last weekend I managed to make serious progress down my long list of books waiting to be read. One I can heartily recommend is GCHQ "The uncensored story of Britain's most secret intelligence agency" by Richard J. Aldrich, Harper Press, ISBN 978-0-00-727847-3.

One fascinating item might provide a lesson for David Cameron as he follows up this week's Treaties to establish close links with France; on page 284 of the book we learn that in April 1972, under Edward Heath's Premiership which led Britain into the Common Market, the Joint Intelligence Committee went to Paris to meet its French equivalent, 'Groupe de Synthèse et Prévisione' I quote from the book:

"The French were keen for deep engagement and clearly did not regard the visit as 'a mere formality'. The British were also enthused and saw it as an opportunity to 'influence the French further towards a JIC type organisation'. At the same time the British recognised that this raised 'an obvious conflict of interest' between their organisation to routinely share assessments with Washington and the need to 'protect politically sensitive assessments, particularly on France'

The American's through Nixon and Henry Kissinger, later effectively cut off much intelligence sharing such that by the summer of 1973 we are informed on page 289 that this "cut-off" was so sensitive that even after thirty years have passed, the Cabinet Office still refuses to declassify further documents on the topic. Adding that the senior RAF officer tasked with collecting certain sensitive imagery by travelling to Washington once per week on an RAF Comet airliner, turned up and found that "The bag just was not there".

The last chapter of the book "From Bletchley Park to a Brave New World?" is the scariest of all.
Given that GCHQ is unable to have joined the US in the satellite collection of intelligence due to cost constraints on the EU bankrupted Britain, the main emphasis of the thousands of listeners now based at Cheltenham is the collection of data on their own 'criminal' citizens in a practise made legal under an EU law passed in 2006, and known as data-mining.

Where this takes us may be viewed when re-reading my recent post on the unfortunate non-criminal jailed for refusing to divulge the code for his PC and therefore now a criminal and ex-con for evermore as a result.

As Britain loses evermore of its overseas territories and satellites make such bases an irrelevance where will the GCHQ listeners and data gatherers be deployed? Is this why Cameron is so nonchalant about our past special relationship with the Government of the free people of the USA?

Other reading in pdf and many more titles from here.



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