The Logic of Muslim Defence
Isn't the freedom to speak your mind wonderful? That free and democratic countries offer this assurance to their citizens is a mark of civilization. Tellingly, many of those who speak their mind do so in such a manner as to convey the indelible impression that they are inherently uncivilized.
Take, for example, in the present climate of suspicion prevailing in Western societies about the trustworthiness of a percentage of Muslims living in countries like Canada.
Who loudly and insistently express their opinion that the carnage embarked upon by violent jihadists, targeting Western interests, the threats and intimidation, the terrorist acts, are all justifiable symptoms of a people and a religion wronged. That what is labelled terrorism by the West is simply a logical response by religious adherents to Western aggression.
Islam, it is repeatedly asserted, is a religion of peace. And it very well may be to the bulk of the ummah, but it most certainly is not, according to many Islamist clerics, academics and Muslims who resent and blame anyone and every country and institution that holds to the belief that a religion of peace does not spawn terror through inciting to violent action.
Neither Christianity nor Judaism nor any other world religion is identified globally as inspiring its followers to wage a spirited violent response to perceived insults to their divine beliefs. Islam stands alone in having nurtured individuals and groups of mass influence that inspire their faithful to reject peaceful interactions in favour of death-inflicting violence.
Muslims murder one another incessantly when factions like the Sunni holding the Shia to be insults to Islam. The Ahmadi and the Ismaili Muslims are targeted for extinction. On the least provocation, or none at all, one sect will attack the other in bloody massacres. In Muslim-majority countries Christians are targeted, their churches invaded, worshippers slaughtered.
That Islamist jihadists claim to have dedicated their lives to Islam, surrendering to a call to inflict mass punishment on others because of their piety, does not stop them from entering the sanctity of mosques and killing Muslims within. Nor are they afflicted by any weakness of spirit leading to compassion for others, so that they will spare the lives of children.
They are resolutely adamant that they are deliverers of death in the name of Allah. Who demands no less of the faithful.
Despite which realities a Canadian Muslim feels sufficiently confident of the freedoms granted him or her through Canadian citizenship to write public letters to the editor of their local newspaper extolling the virtues of Islam in defying the vices of the West, upholding the legality of terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas and the great good nature of Iran.
Murder, on the other hand, is not committed by Muslims, according to many who refuse to believe the evidence before them. All evils committed in the world have their genesis in the pernicious presence of the world's Jews who conspire to control global finance and news. Jews planned the atrocities of 9/11, Mumbai, and suicide attacks within Israel for the purpose of defaming Islam.
Can one discourse logically with closed minds who accept as truth only that which accords to their demented vision of the acceptable?
Labels: Human Relations, Religion, World Crises
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