November 28, 2010

Once Again, Into The Fray

Out of a population of one million people, a crowd of 900 eagerly flowed into the Ottawa Bronson Centre to witness and hear one-time British politician George Galloway speak his tedious piece on relations between the civil world and Islamist terrorists. This vain, pompous, self-aggrandizing oaf took his demagogic yapping assault on democratic values to an audience that cannot get enough of this kind of ideological claptrap; the mushy left blundering alongside fascist Islamist bigots and war-mongers.

Galloway is beside himself with enthusiastic joy over the reception he has earned from those decrying NATO attempts to secure the decent futures and human rights of Afghanistan's women and children. He sneers at Canada's vision of a free and just country where the rights of all its inhabitants can be assured; the freedom to be free, to worship as they wish, to make a future for themselves and their children. The Taliban are much preferable in their past reign to Galloway, it would appear.

He chuckles with self-satisfied glee that he is enabled, as an invited guest to this country, given the freedom to spout his venomously spiteful spleen on Canada, its government leaders, and Israel, whom he enjoys accusing of totalitarian brutal rule in the Palestinian Territories. In defence of Hamas, an internationally acknowledged terror group, which he recognizes as a legitimate governing body, he sends his loving support in cash and in kind.

His adoring audience comprised of supporters of vicious anti-Semitism, wait with bated breath to hear his provocateur-ideological spiel, glorifying all that Hamas and Hezbollah and others of their ilk stand for; violence, hatred, threats of annihilation, while posing as a champion of peace. Triumphantly leading the gulled and the righteous on a march to Parliament Hill to register their indignation that Canada is committed to battling the oppressors of the world.

In defiance of the country's disinterest in his message, and the appeals of decent people to keep poltroons such as he out of the country, he has declared he will be returning again and again and again - to challenge the government's refusal to grant him entry in 2009 for an earlier speaking engagement, which a federal court overturned. So he is here, and we suffer his presence.

Canada is a country of over thirty million people. George Galloway has managed to speak to some eight thousand of those millions in a series of speaking engagements in Canadian cities. A paltry number of disaffected Canadians sympathetic to the 'cause' of the Palestinians who prefer to continually victimize themselves through their functional inability to reach a peace agreement with Israel, preferring instead to mount Intifadas, and suicide attacks.

Just as Hamas's charter states its unequivocal intention to destroy the State of Israel, so too does the political wing of Fatah, which governs the Palestinian Authority reflect a similar philosophy. The Fatah Revolutionary Council voted to "affirm its rejection of the so-called Jewish state or any other formula that could achieve this goal" as its Ramallah convention.

"The Council also renews its refusal for the establishment of any racist state based on religion in accordance with international law and human rights conventions", the council further stated at its convention conclusion. Which folds right into the United Nations' anti-racism conference, Durban-redux.

Little wonder that George Galloway speaks with such supreme confidence, drawing on the conventions brought into the United Nations by the Arab and Muslim bloc, the non-aligned countries of the world, Africa and Latin America, all nicely aligned in their vendetta against the only democratic nation in the Middle East where all religions are protected, unlike the Islamic Republics where no other religions have status or protection.

Galloway will continue his noxious engagements, thrilling those parts of Canadian society represented by trade and academic unions, peace-adoring church groups and fanatical Islamists within the country, a compendium of bizarre ideological and social constructs that find fulfillment in defying reason and rationality by welcoming and supporting the enablers of hate, war and slaughter.

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