January 12, 2011

EU Bill Amendments rejected by 314 votes to 39

The debate in Parliament yesterday became somewhat woolly with the best contribution coming from John Redwood MP who managed to convey the importance of the issue in a proper historical context and highlight the past fluidity of Sovereignty while regrettably leaving the impression that it was somehow divisible.

I absolutely believe that Sovereignty is indivisible, belongs to the people, is loaned to Parliament between general elections and impossible to abnegate, this latter being the most important as it, quite disastrously, is nevertheless the founding principle of the EU.  Mr Redwood likened the movement of Sovereignty during the Glorious Revolution from the Crowned Monarch to the Crown in Parliament adding to my mind the concept of fluidity.

If it is fluid but indivisible, then for the time being I will liken it to a slinky toy descending a staircase. The component parts are nevertheless at odds, consisting in my mind of the Monarchy, Parliament, the EU Council, the UK Courts and the European Courts complicated by the clash of authority between those authorities and accentuated by conflicts between the source of plenipotentiary powers (used to neuter Parliament within the EU), the Privy Council and the Executive, particularly if acting as authorised under the Civil Contingencies Act.

One certainty is that the British people had 314 elected traitors in the House of Commons last evening.

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