Galileo satellite system is the 'Project X' of the EU!
"Europe's Galileo satellite navigation system is "stupid", "doomed to failure" and driven by French military interests, the CEO of a large German company involved in the project has claimed" so began an article in the EU Observer this week, linked here. Open Europe on the next day reported that nevertheless it would go ahead although "EU Industry Commissioner Antonio Tajani admitted yesterday that an extra €1.9bn will be needed to complete the EU’s Galileo satellite system". WHY might this be?
This blog has made clear our own suspicions about this dreadful expense with its fearful consequences, read here. I therefore hardly needed more than a few seconds to see the similarity with Project X when I arrived at the truth behind that similar plan in Ayn Gland's wonderfully perceptive novel Atlas Shrugged.
In the book the completely evil and thoroughly corrupted Progressive politicians, but at this stage, more particularly, their completely "in control" bureaucrats have secretly developed a sound device that can be finely targeted to destroy any object organic and inorganic. With the entire country desolated and industry at a halt, the starving population thus need to be threatened for those in charge to feel secure. Such is the book's end result, when all is taken from each according to his ability and given to each according to his need. Those 'going Galt' (disappearing) and others of productive effort and ability taking only the most menial jobs in order to survive might finally bring change, but for those still wishing to read the book (which I heartily recommend and have provided full details on earlier posts) I will give no more of the plot away.
How can the anti-democratic Progressive politicians of the EU, as now typified by the three proudly Progressive leaders of Britain's three main parties, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband use the Galileo Satellite system to control the population. Read this link on the latest radio tracking devices now available to be read via staellites from here. Ask yourself what individual freedom or liberties can be attained when unelected and unreplaceable authorities can track any individuals every movement. Put that knowledge against the known fact that Galileo has no conceivable useful purpose when compared against existing technology already freely available, and there is only one reason available as to why the evil men in the EU continue to both deny any democracy and waste billions on this satellite system.
Labels: Atlas Shrugged, EU Democratic Deficit, Galileo Project, RFID
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