January 9, 2011

Hypocrite Hague attempts to defend his useless EU Bill!

An astounding article by William Hague, Britain's smug and self-serving Foreign Secretary, appears on the web site of the UK Telegraph Group this morning, extraordinarily timed at 10:15 am GMT on a Sunday morning. It may be read in all its mealy-mouthed platitudes and outright evasions from this link.

Note these two paragraphs from the bilge and garbage set out by Hague in his article:

So we must change the law to ensure that by law the British people's wishes can never be ignored in such a way again. This will mark a fundamental shift of power from Government to Parliament and to the voters of this country, a shift long overdue. 

The EU Bill we are bringing forward will put into the British people's hands a referendum lock on any further changes to the EU's Treaties that hand over powers from Britain to the EU, a lock to which only they will hold the key.

Hague's Bill does the actual reverse of what these words say! For a start his Bill does not forbid the transfer of  "powers" it transfers the decision of what may be transferred in future to a Government Minister, and we all should by now know (Hague's actions down the years alone being enough proof of the following assertion) that any such appointee from the present world of British politics is the last creature on earth to be capable of honourable thought or of sufficient independent judgement. Secondly it transfers from Parliament to the UK Supreme Court, an unconstitutional and illegal body, the right to arbitrate in the event of disputes, with any right of appeal being decided by a similar court run by foreigners across the English Channel.



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