January 18, 2011

Iran Updates

"The Islamic Republic of Iran will not retreat one iota from its [nuclear] rights.
"In defending its rights, the Islamic Republic of Iran is defending the rights of all members of the NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty)." Saeed Jilali, Iranian nuclear negotiator
And here we thought - how wrong of us - that Iran's intention was to threaten the world at large and some of its neighbours in particular, with the eventually successful ownership of nuclear-tipped warheads. When all that noble administration of a world-class country had in mind was to defend the rights of all members of the Non Proliferation Treaty. We should hang our heads in shame. Which action just might mollify the Grand Ayatollah for ten seconds flat.

And then the perfidious, malevolent behaviour of Western powers would kick in again and he would be recalled to the reality of Iran's place in the opinion of the United States, the European Union, and that devil's spawn, Israel. There are simply times in the history of a nation and that of a religion that their resolve is sorely tested and their authentic and honourable place seated directly beside God must represent to them their divine destiny.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei has already been assured through his direct contact with Allah that permission has been given to achieve nuclear dominance. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has tasked his envoys to convince the world community that as a member of the NPT the country has a right to enrich uranium, clearly the most contentious portion of Iran's nuclear program.

And one, incidentally, which has been impaired by the mysterious introduction of a technological wizard named Stuxnet. This inconvenience representing a minor delay in the country's aspirational ascent to complete atomic ownership is but a stumble on the path to success. Not to be mentioned at the Instanbul meeting scheduled to take place January 21/22.

Four sets of United Nations sanctions represent completely irrelevant and obviously obstructionist interference in the affairs of a proud and sovereign country whose social heritage and political/religious standing makes it a world leader among other world leaders. The doubts those other world leaders express with respect to what is obvious to Tehran is beyond contempt.

The two-day tour of the Natanz uranium facility and heavy-water nuclear installation at Arak went as planned, convincing select members of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Arab League, Syria, Venezuela and Oman that Iran's sincerity and scientific-atomic genius is beyond reproach.

"What we have done is an unprecedented move ... to show 100% transparency", gloated Ali Asghar Soltanieh, envoy to the IAEA. As for reports that technical problems and sanctions have been responsible for delaying Tehran's nuclear programs: "Our nuclear activities are going forward strongly. Our activities, especially in [uranium] enrichment, are also continuing very strongly."

So there, those of faint heart. Time to face reality, United Nations, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany - and thou accursed, Zionist United States of America.

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