February 8, 2011

Daytime Running Lights

It is now illegal to make cars in the EU where the lights will not come on. Why is it still allowed to turn your lights off at home? I have a passageway which even at midday in bright sunshine could potentially be a hazard, particularly after luncheon with a glass of chilled rosé wine.

Why are pedsetrians and cyclists not compulsorily fitted with miners' lamps, preferably mounted on steel strengthened safety helmets? What about dogs, or even more importantly cats? Nature has provided cats with wonderful reflecting dveices called cats' eyes, but they are useless in daytime even with the stupid DRL.

What about the blind, should not the horn be made to sound every 15 seconds or so, in case there are blind people about? 

Where would we be without the EU, able to pay our way in the world perhaps?



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