Egypt's example for the non-democratic European Union.
Karl Popper, describes a democracy as a system of government which can be periodically changed without bloodshed, everything else as a tyranny.
The EU has been serrupticiously moving towards becoming such a tyranny for decades. Like most tyrannies, this has been accomplished by duping the disenfranchised people with sham edifices that normally accompany democracies, these are, inter alia; the powerless parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg; press conferences and briefings following closed door meetings; ignored open accounting practises; nepotism and cronyism in official appointments; huge abuses of taxpayers funds etc.
A moment would be bound to eventually arrive in Europe where this conspiracy against the continents' national democracies would be exposed to the general public. This blog believes that such a moment is at hand, it will arrive with the inevitable EU response, which has already been sketched out, to the Irish General Election to be held on 25th February. This open authoritarianism will be, disregarding whatever way the Irish vote, that the deal struck with the former Irish Government WILL nevertheless be imposed! Votes in Ireland for parties rejecting that deal will therefore make clearer the true loss that ALL the EU's former democracies have now already incurred. It will not be possible to hide that reality any longer, even from the hugely ill-informed public the EU has compelled the EU's citizens to become.
Any pretense that democracy, in any meaningful form, continues to exist anywhere across the EU will be exposed as a lie. The deliberate disdain, shown even by national politicians, for national parliaments will stand as evidence to that terrible fact. Witness even Britain, a non-Euro Group member, advancing funds to Ireland which its own civil servants have now refused to emulate, as is detailed in other postings on this blog.
Already in Italy, read here, the comparison is being made, albeit special circumstance over the Premier's "bunga bunga" nights muddy those waters :
The demonstrators struggled to be heard at times amid the din from blowing of whistles and banging of cooking saucepans during the rally in the centre of the capital, aimed at heaping more pressure on the beleaguered Berlusconi. But they did manage to break into song at one point, with a rendition of "Bella Ciao", one of the anthems of the Italian resistance during World War II. Others chanted "Resign! Resign! Resign!" and "After Mubarak, Silvio Berlusconi" during the protest which was held only hours after Egypt's veteran president quit in the wake of mass streets protests in Cairo.
In Britain, as Ken Clarke has obligingly made clear this weekend, the real pain, only necessary for the autocratic EU to survive, has only yet to begin. It is long passed the moment for the United Kingdom to break free and restore our Westminster democracy!
As I urged yesterday, a government of national unity is urgently required, I suggest it be led by a triumverate of three representative elder statesmen, of proven rational euro-sceptic disposition, I suggest two Lord Norman Tebbit and Lord David Owen. Unhappily I cannot think of a suitable candidate from a Labour and/or North of England background, but somewhere surely one may exist?
Labels: Lord Owen, Lord Tebbit, Mubarak, The Crash
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