February 18, 2011

In An Uncommonly Common Spirit

"These movements are emboldening everybody who has grievances, whether they are a minority that wants to have equal rights or a majority that wants a functioning democracy. There is a feeling of people being empowered by these movements, that we are powerful." Ebrahim Sharif, leader, Bahrain National Democratic Action Society
Hear them roar. They are empowered. They express a collective rage of denial of oppression. They insist they deserve a decent, well functioning society, with a reliable judiciary, security, freedom of assembly and association, and above all, ample employment and the opportunity to live free and secure lives. Along with the wherewithal to procure shelter, food, education, medical treatment.

In Iran the people were encouraged to go out in droves into the streets for a "day of hate". With the blessing of their infallible, divinely-led Supreme Leader and their irrepressibly jolly president, they were to register for the consumption of the international community their solidarity with the people of Egypt and Tunisia, in revolt against the secular rulers that insulted Islamic precepts of honour.

In Libya, the King of Kings, the Imam of the Muslims, the Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Libyan Revolution, suddenly understood that traditional repression was to be superseded by the will to alter tradition, that 40 years of uncompromising rule by an addled tyrant was enough for any self-respecting people aspiring to achieve personal autonomy.

The Arab and Muslim world, the Middle East and North Africa have suddenly gone berserk with anger that their countries remain socially static and politically mired in the Middle Ages. Well, in fact, they're fed up with endemic poverty. They are rebelling against rising food prices, energy prices, strictures against the kind of gracious living they have yet to experience.

So in Tehran Iranians flooded the streets to rally for their expression of "hatred" against the opposition to their leaders' dominance. "The noble people of Tehran will take to Enghelab Square after Friday prayers with their solid and informed presence", proclaimed the Islamic Propagation Coordination Council; now isn't that impossibly quaint?

Those rallying will act as one, to "scream out their hatred, wrath and disgust against the savage crimes and evil movements of sedition leaders, their Monafeghin (hypocrites) and their monarchist allies". To do otherwise would be the kind of ignoble defiance that would rightfully lead to arrest, incarceration, torture and deserved death. Isn't that impressive?

In Libya, security forces used tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons. Somehow, people died. Truly unfortunate, but the legitimate regime of the people for the people, whose great leader has immense sympathy for their plight for he himself has little faith in those who govern, laments with them. The government, but not he, has blocked the Internet, shut down electrical power.

And Muammar Gaddafi sincerely hopes that the protesters understand he is not to blame; he seeks only to protect those who blame him for he knows there will be retaliation against them. The media access has been severely restricted, including al-Jazeera Arabic, but they are Zionist tools, stirring up trouble where none exists.

In Bahrain, the benevolent King who has instituted so many reforms on behalf of his people is bemused and dreadfully upset at the unfortunate turn that has taken place. A grave misunderstanding. But then, order must be maintained, and troops were somehow given the order to fire, and people were wounded and many, unfortunately and alas, were killed.

One also, come to think of it - and one must - does not like to offend the sensibilities of one's close Western ally. For when that powerful entity - the world's super-power, come to think of it - frowns with dismay and disgust it is not a good thing. But then, there's that prodding from one's neighbour, too; Saudi Arabia does not appreciate unrest, revolts must be extinguished.

Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco - all are facing the revolting situation of ungrateful citizens demanding what they claim is their due. What? Nothing in Lebanon? Nor yet Saudi Arabia? All are moving with great alacrity to lower the prices of basic foods, to raise efforts for job creation - to please the people and graciously accede to their (unreasonable) demands.

Egypt's former president, Hosni Mubarak, will surely feel somewhat consoled to learn that his supporters have declared a march on his behalf, as an apology for his summary dismissal, to express regret for insufficient appreciation for all that he has done on behalf of his country and his countrymen. People are such unbelievable ingrates. Brutishly so, unfortunately.

Ah, the great world religion of Islam. Brotherhood and goodwill. Is it possible that senior members of Iran's Republican Guard are seeking assurances that they will not be ordered to shoot at their Iranian brethren for-this-is-not-permitted-in-Islam. But Islam does permit raging hatred of others, particularly the detested, revolting Jews.

Who, truth be known - and one must respect the truth - all of this unrest, this unmitigated nuisance and concern and worry and irritation, takes place at the behest of Islam's enemies. It represents a truly nefarious, but entirely explicable plot that emerged from the demonic minds of the Zionists, the deranged and demented Jews and their State of Israel.

Where, in Tunisia, demonstrators in front of the main synagogue in Tunis shouted: "Jews wait, the army of Mohammed is coming back. We'll redo the battle of Khaybar", referencing the slaughter of Jews in the geography of what is now Saudi Arabia, led by Mohammed and his nascent dynasty's army of newly-born Muslims.

Where in Cairo, Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi addressed the faithful in Tahrir Square; the same Muslim Brotherhood spiritual head who has called upon Allah to "take this oppressive, tyrannical band of people ... take this oppressive Jewish Zionist band of people ... do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers and kill them, down to the very last one."

Where in Jordan, King Abdullah's newly-appointed Justice Minister in an interview with the country's Al-Arab Al-Yom newspaper characterized Israel as a "terrorist state that will be destroyed". This was a man who had joined a protest for the release of a terrorist who had been imprisoned in Jordan for killing seven Israeli schoolchildren in 1997.

Where in London, a non-Jew, elected to the Knesset, Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara, a Druze, spoke at a conference: "I am not a Jew and my loyalty to the State of Israel derives from the faith in its right to exist as the state of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. I do not see myself under a regime or entity other than Israel, which is the sole island of sanity in the Middle East, where democracy exists for all citizens, and where citizens' rights are respected more than in any other place."

There were also protests in Israel, by trade unionists, protesting at rising food prices, and for higher wages. Just like their neighbours elsewhere in the Middle East. There was no call in Israel for the government to step aside.

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