The inevitability of the Glorious Revolution.
Bertrand Russell in his "A History of Western Philosophy" writes as follows:
"James II, unlike his brother, was totally destitute of subtlety and finesse. By his bigoted Catholicism he united against himself the Anglicans and the Nonconformists, in spite of his attempts to conciliate the latter by granting them toleration in defiance of Parliament. Foreign policy also played a part. The Stuarts, in order to avoid the taxation required in war-time, which would have made them dependent upon Parliament, pursued a policy of subservience, first to Spain and then to France. The growing power of France roused the invariable English hostility to the leading Continental State, and the revocation of the Edict of Nates made Protestant feeling bitterly opposed to Louis XIV. In the end almost everybody in England wished to be rid of James. But almost everybody was equally determined to avoid a return to the days of the Civil War and Cromwell's dictatorship. Since there was no constitutional way of getting rid of James, there must be a revolution, but it must be quickly ended, so as to give no opportunity to disruptive forces. The rights of Parliament must be secured once and for all. (Blogger's added emphasis.) The king must go, but monarchy must be preserved; it should be, however, not a monarchy of Divine Right, but one dependent upon legislative sanction, and so upon Parliament. By a combination of aristocracy and big business, all this was achived in a moment, without the necessity of firing a shot. Compromise and moderation had succeeded, after every form of intransigeance had been tried and failed"
Now Parliament, has itself, made the country, and itself, subservient to foreigners. Our Judiciary has been made subservient to the EU fanatical and treacherous Ken Clarke, who carries the constitutional defying title of Justice Secretary. (Read a report of last evening's protest against all this of Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice, from here.) The head of the abhorrent Supreme Court is now intended to grovel at Clarke's feet. The lesson from history is clear!
UPDATE 0945 GMT. After an extended delay, the BBC has now provided the 'Listen Again' feature for this morning's interview which followed the 0800 -0810 new bulletin. The text description of the entire slot has clearly been considerably censored since the first entry, to presumably make it appear that the report is not the bombshell to the EU governance of the UK that it truly seems likely to become. The broadcast, which I assume has not been tampered with is linked here.
Labels: Glorious Revolution, Supreme Court
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