The Supreme Court - symbol of England's oppression by the EU - Takes Charge!
The Supreme Court, that outfaces the Palace of Westminster across Parliament Square, this week showed its muscles in clearly demonstrating to this downtrodden, once free country, whom, down to the very smallest detail, now controls the nation that once was England, both to its citizens and all those others who nowadays live therein.
Demonstrating the complete helplessness of the House of Commons, the Prime Minister at Question Time yesterday had this to say about a Supreme Court ruling on paedophilia:
The Prime Minister: My hon. Friend speaks for many people in saying how completely offensive it is, once again, to have a ruling by a court that flies in the face of common sense. Requiring serious sexual offenders to sign the register for life, as they now do, has broad support across this House and across the country. I am appalled by the Supreme Court ruling. We will take the minimum possible approach to this ruling and use the opportunity to close some loopholes in the sex offenders register. For instance, we will make it compulsory for sex offenders to report to the authorities before any travel and will not allow them to change their name by deed poll to avoid having their name on the register.
Well may he waffle, for it was he and all those seated around him, who gave birth to this beastliness!
The choosing by this Court of the issue, on which to first confront Parliament, of forgiving child abusers, is interesting to say the least, particularly given the sordid goings on in the capital of Belgium over recent years, read here, which is the effective back yard of the odious organisation of which this abhorrent and unconstitutional court is a creature.
Happily there are a few in England who already recognise the grave dangers to all our freedoms this Supreme Court represents, keep the symbol of the raised garden spade at the forefront of your mind during the coming challenges:
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