Footprint have gotten lost close by dust that fly. Even clamor just result its throated dry. Rigged protest on even banner, just recollects shabbily and dry, until its even writing was beginning faded. Who that care will try fortune them now? Mayor? Parliament? But one is clear, now they have made against to live and their fate.
Dialogue just end on dialogue. Still on founding each and not find solution that gets party on their thereunder. Eventually, modestly it can at that count that government is people servant, her voice is people voice, her action is people action. But, now upending situation. Just she acts alone and on a basic to annya's egoist have yanked their place looks for as chipped as blessing. Maybe servants this will kill slow ala, with people voice avertings the others. Meanwhile dialogue agenda that at do it is only effort to muffle business men that looked pretend business man voice at notices and at regards meanwhile relocation market development go on. Even that building is looked well-nigh finished and ready at stays.
Even parliament that at swaggers one for people representative also lies and betray people voice. They are more care by investor that notabene has there are many money instead of its people (little business man) one that we can see always make against. If mayor approves market development that assessed by business man will disadvantage them. Have goods of course ought to councillor even has one voice with people. Because, their voice is people voice. While is they no longer care people voice of course so legal while there is movement I Mesirkan Baleful City.
Business men is now just fight alone, can we see dinoyo's market position this close to Blimbingpun's campus and market close to campus also. Campus that notabene its place college student. College student movement to beaver fate and meneriakan kebathilanpun also no. What college student be now falls asleep by of a cheng's agent tag, of control's agent, etc.. That tag not abruptly cling on self college student. That tag experience length history and college student closeness with society. Kritisisme is College Student one WILL DIE to about problem local. College student just care will national issue issue. College student will scream while they have most tease. E.g. elapses available BHP'S BILL, sontak just College Student litigates government. College student don't be conscious of where she stays behind present. If be, they are with even with grinder. This case is not new case and little. This concerns life and death friend little business man.
kesenderian that that makes they now getting fateful. In dinoyo's market is now frequent heard invocation invocation to God.
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