Treasures from the threads - Number fifty-nine.
The following comment came to a report in the Irish Examiner on Merkel's "invitation" to the Fine Gael party leader to Berlin this lunchtime:
Why travel and waste Tax Payers money, why do we have to do the travelling, let Merkel come here if she wants to keep her Bailout and let the Irish have a voice rather than running over there with a tail between the legs. Has Kenny ever heard of a telephone or Postage Stamp, not that he even needs a postage stamp or pay for a telephone call, we the Tax payer, pay for these as well.
Wasting time with more messing about, he may as well be going to Disneyland to meet Goofy. Deal with the issues in the country first like putting a few Politicians in jail for treason. the treasonous acts they have perpetrated upon the Irish people like robbing our Oil and Gas Reserves worth Billions, the Theft of our Fishing grounds, The destruction of our small Farming Communities and now Berites destruction of our Foresty. None of which is in anyway their Sovereign right.
They are all the same. wasters the lot of them, the ONE PARTY STATE a Family Dynasty of criminals the lot of them
The feelings against any politicians entangled in the EU project seem to be running pretty much the same all across the EU, probably best summarised as 'total contempt'.
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