February 12, 2011

Treasures from the threads - number fifty-eight

Ken Clarke MP.  presently Justice Secretary, interviewed in this item, deserved this comment:

Today 01:40 AM
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6 people
I think Ken Clarke (as always) underestimates the intelligence of the Great British Public.

We have no cash left in the Public Purse, The taxpayer, raped by HMRC and the Treasury don't have the leaway to have more taxes taken from us - we as a nation need to ask ourselves:

Does it do the job we employ it to do?

Is it fit for purpose?

Could we find a more suitable instrument at 1/8th of the the cost?

If the answer is mostly yes - then, the Cull is justified.

If the answer is no, Cull it anyway - the dead don't complain.

Ken Clarke should realise that as a Bankrupt Nation, we can't afford him or his unpopular views - even if he were fit for purpose in modern day Britain.

Since hard choices are intrinsic to his nature, one would assume he would have the decency to Resign, before he is Culled.

Or, does he believe that somethings, no matter how expensive, no matter how out of touch with reality and no matter how Unfit for purpose he actually is that he KNOWS better?

(They say the Biggest problem with Mad people, is that they don't know they're Mad... even when it's plain to see to everyone around them)



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