Two Traitors, Clarke and Heseltine, on TV! Plus Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg
Please find time to view the fifty minute video on the posting immediately beneath this at your earliest opportunity. In it, German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is named as the likely favourite as the new German Führer, selected by the Bavarian establishment, to assume control of the 26 former nations of the EU. Whether he will be maintained in that position, following his having now had to abandon his doctorate in the face of charges of plagiarism, remains to be seen, for details of that read the BBC report, linked here. The Wikipedia detail on this individual is here.
For blog readers in England, a more urgent question is that regarding how Britain has been manipulated into a position where our country could fall within the control of such people, without a shot being fired. Two of the main architects of this conspiracy were on TV over the past few days. For the first, please watch the first five minutes of last week's Question Time and the bizarre response to Nigel Farage MEP, by John Major's former Deputy Prime Minister, Michael Heseltine, long dubbed by this blog as "Von Heseltine", for his treachery in removing Maggie Thatcher from office, the last patriotic Prime Minister this country has had:
Hesltine's treachery is clear in his stumbling nonsensical words and also written all across his face. For the second traitor, see the same Dorian Gray consequences, in the picture of Clarke's encounter with Andrew Marr yesterday, in this Guardian report, a transcript of what he said being linked here.
Both Heseltine and Clarke, incredibly still hold powerful positions in Britain's present Coalition Government, they should be removed forthwith, together with the other sole surviving member of Major's treacherous Cabinet, William Hague, in the latter case additionally, for an ongoing demonstrable inability to perform his job as Foreign Secretary, as events in Libya and Bahrain are at this moment visibly demonstrating.
The coalition partnership with the EU fanatical Liberal Democrat Party should also be ended immediately, if the Conservative Party itself is to survive what now seems certain to be revealed regarding the mechanics of the nation's delivery into foreign subjugation!
Labels: Guttenberg, Ken Clarke, Von Heseltine
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