March 15, 2011

Discover Canada, Do

The opposition parties, desperate to unseat a Conservative-led government in Canada that has proven themselves time and again exemplary stewards of Canadian values and imperatives, will stoop to anything to try to convince the electorate that the Cabinet is filled with Members of Parliament who are unworthy of their posts. Yet Ministers under the direction of Prime Minister Stephen Harper have acquitted themselves outstandingly well through their ministerial performances.

And a star candidate for especial notice has always been Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. He alone of his predecessors in that portfolio has recognized the dire necessity to inform would-be citizens and immigrants that Canada does not only proffer asylum for migrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families in a land of equality, liberty and opportunity, but that they also have an obligation to their new country.

He has familiarized himself with the various ethnic, religious and cultural groups that have assembled in this country, and made himself known to them. He has supported and encouraged those groups to become knowledgeable about their new country. He has spoken forthrightly and with conviction that citizenship is a mutually beneficial and mutually respecting affair.

The scandal that the opposition has been attempting desperately to unseat him with soiled the former Liberal governing parties, whose Cabinet Ministers blithely attended cultural and social affairs and parades of various ethnic groups who clearly had brought ancient enmities with them, playing them out on Canadian soil. Those Members of Parliament who attended those events heedless of their meaning, but intent on cultivating bloc votes were Liberals.

That scandalous set of affairs, although publicized and commented upon from time to time never resulted in the firing or resignation of any of the ministers involved. That Jason Kenney authorized his aides to communicate a request for funding to seek out and pursue the potential to enroll ethnic votes in the Conservative cause without resorting to such scurrilous tactics simply illustrates the ethical behaviour behind the Conservatives' values.

Minister Kenney has now rolled out an updated citizenship guide, Discover Canada, to emphasize new citizens' responsibilities to take up and honour Canadian democratic principles; that gay and lesbian Canadians have a constitutional right to the full protection of equality under the law; that forced marriages are not tolerated in Canada; that violent, extreme or hateful prejudices so not belong in this country, among other instances of Canadian values.

Do not Canadians have a right to expect that their Parliamentarians recognize that they have an obligation as elected lawmakers to set aside partisan political differences for the greater good of the country, rather than focus constantly on overturning the government? Seems not; they appear to far prefer the antics of unsocialized primates to civilized adults.

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