March 2, 2011

Moral Bankruptcy Extraordinaire

Where else could the degradation of the principle behind respect for universal human rights take place than in the very bastion of international support for the dignity and humanity and freedoms and entitlements of populations and individuals, the United Nations? The noble conceit of formulating a representative body of nations whose singular purpose would be to champion human rights, to extol the virtues of peace and compassion, and exert the soft pressure of the nobility of humanity was exemplified in the creation of that august body.

And what could be more natural than the election of member states representatives to sit on a special committee functioning under the aegis of the United Nations, as a group dedicated to the furtherance of human rights? They would call themselves the UN Human Rights Commission and then a few years on amend that to the UN Human Rights Council. For, unfortunately the group of the original name, championed by some of the world's worst human-rights abusers soiled the purpose of the group.

And now, the latterly-named Human Rights Council, similarly comprised of states representative of some of the most repressive, autocratic regimes in the world simply continues the culture and the dedication of the original one, focusing primarily on the slanderous and slanted view of one country alone on the international stage whom they have determined represents the ultimate in all that is to be shunned. Resolution after condemnation after citation is given dignity and purpose by this unashamedly corrupt group condemning the State of Israel.

One of the UN Human Rights Commission's most flamboyant and certainly highly respected members is currently embarked on a campaign to de-legitimize the concerns of a vast proportion of its citizenry. Citizens who have gathered in illegal protest in a country that brooks no criticism of its leader, long accustomed to using brutal force to tamp down protest. Libya, under Col. Moammar Gadhafi, has explained to the world how much his people adore him. He has raged against the perfidious Western media for suggesting he is waging war on his people.

Coinciding with the UN Human Rights Council being forced through outraged public opinion to suspend Libya's membership in its UN-sponsored body until such time as its leader ceases bludgeoning his people into early graves, the Council is also prepared to adopt a major report in recognition of Libya's human rights improvements. Various countries are seen to be applauding and commending Libya, noting "with appreciation the country's commitment to upholding human rights on the ground."

This truly hideous farce is set to play out applauding Libya for its "respect for human rights" before the Geneva-based, 47-member council on March 18. By that time much will have occurred. Many more thousands of Libyans may have met their maker. A full-blown civil war will have been in progress for a week or so, promising to stretch a little further into the future. Or, alternately, the international community might finally have got its outrage into a place where they could no longer simply fulminate futiley, and decide to do something practical.

To assist the people of Libya to free themselves finally, from the intolerable burden of living under a psychopathic criminal. By taking it upon themselves to protect Libyans and to assist them in unseating their tyrant. Meanwhile, in the annals of infamy it will have been recorded that Iran, Sudan and Cuba, among other countries fulsomely praised Libya's human rights record. They in particular should know all the fine points about human rights, since they honour and practise to the letter the diplomacy the offering of dignity and freedom to their own.

Long live the United Nations! Long live the UN Human Rights Council!

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