March 1, 2011

A sanity sucking parasite has invaded the brains of MPs!

Read the RAF and Army redundancies issued by the MOD yesterday afternoon, one example here.

Recollect that this came a mere twenty-four hours since the Prime Minister stood in Parliament and promised horrible retribution on Libya's Colonel Gadaffi, complete with a no fly zone, to be enforced by model aircraft, one presumes!

Worse yet, read this collective madness, being discussed by MPs as these cuts were being announced. From Hansard, linked here:

The Secretary of State for International Development (Mr Andrew Mitchell): With permission, Mr Speaker, I should like to make a statement about the Government's bilateral and multilateral aid reviews, which are published today. The coalition Government's decision to increase the UK's aid budget to 0.7% of national income from 2013 reflects the values we hold as a nation..... focus our bilateral resources in the following 27 countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, the occupied Palestinian territories, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.....

...The multilateral aid review took a hard look at the value for money offered by 43 international funds and organisations through which the UK spends aid......the review found that four agencies performed poorly or failed to demonstrate relevance to Britain's development objectives....

As a result of the reviews, over the next four years British aid will secure schooling for 11 million children, which is more than we educate throughout the UK, but at 2.5% of the cost; vaccinate more children against preventable diseases than there are people in England; provide access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation to more people than there are in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined; save the lives of 50,000 women in pregnancy and childbirth; stop 250,000 newborn babies dying needlessly; support 13 countries to hold freer and fairer elections; and help 10 million women to access modern family planning. I believe that those results, which will transform the lives of millions of people across the world, will make everyone in the House and this country proud.

As an Englishman, born and bred, seeing the desperate state of my country, and discerning the deeper misery that almost certainly lies ahead, the nation having been sold into the hands of foreigners and now effectively defenceless, none of this makes me proud, in fact it makes me sick to my stomach. Charity begins at home, with our daily bread stolen or sabotaged (see post below), real hunger for many of our citizens almost certainly now lies ahead, and yet the Coalition Government Ministers present us with this "looters and moochers charter" in  "our" Parliament.

The emptiness in my stomach and at the root of my being is certainly not pride Mr Mitchell, no wonder your boss sat dumb by your side as you delivered this poison.

Read how some of this aid is typically dispensed, by fat cat charity bosses, in Robert Fisk's article in The Independent, this morning, linked here. It contains as follows:

Officials turned up with anodyne words of fearful irrelevance. Josette Sheeran, who rejoices in the title of executive director of the World Food Programme, stared at this ocean of humanity and announced: "We are doing all we can – we are working through this situation. And it's never too late." But it was. Ms Sheeran arrived with 80 tonnes of food, most of it high-energy biscuits, which were thrown over the wall at the crowds once she had left.

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