March 16, 2011

Twit Tweeting


adj \bär-ˈber-ik, -ˈba-rik\

Definition of BARBARIC

a : of, relating to, or characteristic of barbarians b : possessing or characteristic of a cultural level more complex than primitive savagery but less sophisticated than advanced civilization
a : marked by a lack of restraint : wild b : having a bizarre, primitive, or unsophisticated quality
Taking it upon himself to express his unwillingness to accept a gratuitous insult to ethnic/religious/cultural imperatives that destroy the basic human rights of women by characterizing "'honour killings', female genital mutilation, forced marriage, or other gender-based violence" as equating with barbaric practises, Justin Turdeau struts his lib-left cultural non-judgemental credentials.

It is entirely accurate to characterize culturally institutionalized practises that demean women, that deny them human rights, that threaten their very existence if they bring 'dishonour' to a male establishment as 'barbaric'. That use of descriptive was found to be offensive by Justin Trudeau who prefers to mince his words rather than to shock those who practise these barbaric customs, with the reality of their atrocious practise.

The federal government's updated the Discover Canada guide, recently unveiled by Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney, meant to spell out in precise descriptives the kinds of cultural-tied demeaning of women that have been traditionally practised elsewhere in the world. And clearly linked the brutal treatment of women with backward primitive behaviour. It should and now has been stated unequivocally that such treatment is not acceptable in Canada.

Those who aspire to emigrate to Canada, and to become landed immigrants, and eventually citizens should be under no illusion that Canada will consider such customs to be quaint and permissible under the guise of multicultural tolerance. The statement that: "Canada's openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, 'honour killings', female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence", is concise and to the point.

But Liberal Member of Parliament Justin Trudeau finds the linking of such vicious abuse with barbaric traditions of a male-dominated society uncomfortable. And he was also uncomfortable when it became clear that his objections left him open to criticism that he might view atrocities against women as tolerable customs. A retraction clearly in order. One that sought to exonerate him and at the same time slam the Conservative government.

"Perhaps I got tangled in semantic words in my comments, particularly in view of the Conservatives' cynicism on these issues. I want to make clear that I think the acts described are heinous, barbaric acts that are totally unacceptable in our society. I retract my comments and apologize if they've been interpreted by anyone as dismissing or diminishing the serious and appalling nature of honour killings and other gender-based violence."

So they are barbaric after all, but only if he proclaims them to be, not the 'cynical' Conservatives. Justin Trudeau, another delicate-minded exemplar of the fine points of cultural non-judgement for whom cultural sensitivity endorses politely and considerately overlooking acts of barbarity.

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